If you run on a values platform YOUR values are up for criticism not your Senior in high school making a mistake.
Watch out Aquilla you can't seem to handle it in the political threads seems its a bit to rough for ya.
iI agree it's a completely different situation with a family member as opposed to an elected official. Now, the problem I have is that this same mindset was being used last year when the strong "family values" champion the highly esteemed Senator David Vitter (R) of Louisiana was caught patronizing prostitues. Given what he said he stood for and what the Republican party says it stands for, his colleagues should have pushed for his resignation and demanded he step down from any committees he served on.
Many of the conservative talk radio goons and quite a few of my Republican friends were anxious to sweep it under the rug and "let the family deal with a private issue." When it's on publicly elected folks like him, is when the whole "private issues" thing reaks of hypocrisy.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
iI agree it's a completely different situation with a family member as opposed to an elected official. Now, the problem I have is that this same mindset was being used last year when the strong "family values" champion the highly esteemed Senator David Vitter (R) of Louisiana was caught patronizing prostitues. Given what he said he stood for and what the Republican party says it stands for, his colleagues should have pushed for his resignation and demanded he step down from any committees he served on.
Many of the conservative talk radio goons and quite a few of my Republican friends were anxious to sweep it under the rug and "let the family deal with a private issue." When it's on publicly elected folks like him, is when the whole "private issues" thing reaks of hypocrisy.
I think over all you will find that most conservatives give thier guy the boot when he screws up. The problem is it only goes one way.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Nope, what nation has the world's lowest abortion rate per every 1000 pregnancies? Is it a "prolife" nation or a "prochoice" nation? It's Belgium a very liberal prochoice nation. Bro...you only care about about abortion's legality...you don't care how many babies die. At least DFLA Democrats have been working in conjunction with mainstream Democrats to pass elements of the 95-10 Initiative to reduce America's abortion rate by 95% in 10 years. And guess what....Republicans are fighting it all the way.
So you can accuse me of being open season for babies all you like. But while you vomit your rhetoric babies die as you do NOTHING but score political points. We're never going to ban abortion in this country. It just will not happen. No court in the land will do it. It's time to DO what has been proven to reduce the abortion rate and move the debate beyond TALK to ACTION. But you'll never understand this....the babies die and all your care about is it's legality on paper.
*Global statistics have proven that abortion's legality has little to no effect on abortion rate. If we got abortion banned tomorrow...we'd still need the social policies of more advanced nations to combat the abortion rate.
how do you know what I would be doing? You are the one hating what Politics does to Christians... are you a christian? do you hate what politics has done to you so you would post the above?
in point of fact, I have always held that the kids are off limits. alwasy.,
Well Ferd, if kids are off limits for you, I commend you. But for the most part, I don't believe you. I think if this were Obama's daughter most likely you and other other "conservatives" would be attacking with much hatred and venom. I have little doubt in my mind. But, if what you say is true bro....you're a good man. But from what I've seen among the "conservatives" I just have a hard time believing it.
That's because his feelings are sensitive, and it not okay to hurt his feelings, kill the babies but don't hurt his feelings.
Nobody wants to kill babies. However, some want solid policies that can be put into place NOW that can reduce the abortion rate while others just want abortion illegal on paper regardless of abortion rate. Consider (I think it was) Peru that had banned most forms of abortion.....they had an abortion rate of nearly 99 per every 1000 pregnancies (based on maternal morbidity alone, so the rate was really significantly higher). But Belgium is a prochoice country who's abortion rate is was only 8 per every 1000 pregnancies and that's a solid statistic sense it's legal and occurrences are recorded. Which nation would you want America to model social policy after? Right now America's abortion reported rate is about 25 per every 1000 pregnancies (give or take two points). I firmly believe we could institute social policies that would bring America's abortion rate below that of Belgiums...but I assure you....it's not the "conservatives" who would be willing to do it.
Well Ferd, if kids are off limits for you, I commend you. But for the most part, I don't believe you. I think if this were Obama's daughter most likely you and other other "conservatives" would be attacking with much hatred and venom. I have little doubt in my mind. But, if what you say is true bro....you're a good man. But from what I've seen among the "conservatives" I just have a hard time believing it.
The duplicitous McCain supporters have done this already ...
Palin is no Dan Quayle ... indeed ... since apparently family values no longer matter to the party ...
See also McCain's philandering past and marriage to a sugar mama.
But these are "private matters" ....
Originally Posted by vrblackwell
Another reason not to vote for Obama.
Here is a link to the song, (warning this video has offensive junk in it)
**link removed by Admin**
Obama is not fit to be a father, and he wants to be our president.
Originally Posted by vrblackwell
But I don't think he would use the language in fron of his or anyone elses kids.
I am sure he did not let his 3 year old daughter listen to thugs talk about sex, drugs, and killing like Barack Hussein Obama does.
Fox News just ran a "breaking news" report that Governor Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, and may be marrying the father of her baby.
Can't imagine how that is supposed to 'drag' her down. Her 17 year old is not being elected to an office and I doubt this 17 year old will be the wicked voice we will need to fear in the coming years.
People just need to get a life and stop being judgmental of situations and persons that don't affect us.
But, dumping out the trash is our Nation's favorite past time; huh?
Kill the babies but dont hurt his (Chris) feelings!
That's all it is is a great line. All you guys have are "great lines". Reality is that abortion isn't going to be banned in this country. You rally the troops and get us outraged to vote Republican every election and NOTHING ever changes. I have "outrage fatigue". I've been manipulated enough. There are policies we could pass to reduce abortion rates....but the conservatives will have none of it though it's worked in other countries to reduce abortion rates.
Can't imagine how that is supposed to 'drag' her down. Her 17 year old is not being elected to an office and I doubt this 17 year old will be the wicked voice we will need to fear in the coming years.
People just need to get a life and stop being judgmental of situations and persons that don't affect us.
But, dumping out the trash is our Nation's favorite past time; huh?
VOTE for MaCain & Palin!!!
Where was this argument during the Monica Lewinsky scandal?