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Old 05-09-2009, 10:41 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
Glory, who said God would teach you a leeson? I specifically said, you would be blessed (IMO)-but not because of "tithing", but because of the principle of reaping and sowing sparingly or bountifully.

What bothers me about you on this subject is that you justify yourself because of what you do (tithe). You ALMOST come across as having purchased your own salvation through "obedience to the law" rather than the blood of Christ. I am pretty sure you don't believe this, but you certainly come across that way sometimes.
I understand what you are saying in this, I definitely don't believe that way, but get what you are saying. However, think about it for a moment...

1. I am confident. Now you don't know me, but by reading posts confidence can easily come across as arrogance. In fact, if you have ever been around successful people they typically are accused of being arrogant.

2. To illustrate my point I have to share the results of what I am doing. Again, it is going to sound something like your description. I get that, but to say there are blessings in this without expressing that I live in blessings is kind of a mute point.

3. There is also a class envy that operates in the arena of money. Our politicians thrive on trying to make those who have money look like they took advantage of others. In addition to that our American way is that we blame everyone else for our struggles. Therefore, when someone starts talking about being blessed all these stereotypes start getting stirred up and so we look those who have as something other than they are.

Your last point, about "biblical proof" is laughable. It does not matter which scriptures people post those who have money issues have their reasons why they don't apply. It's like asking a thief on the street about what they stole and they have all their reasons why it wasn't stealing...."ahhhhh, the bike was just sitting their I thought they didn't want it anymore..."
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Old 05-09-2009, 11:46 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
I understand what you are saying in this, I definitely don't believe that way, but get what you are saying. However, think about it for a moment...

1. I am confident. Now you don't know me, but by reading posts confidence can easily come across as arrogance. In fact, if you have ever been around successful people they typically are accused of being arrogant.

2. To illustrate my point I have to share the results of what I am doing. Again, it is going to sound something like your description. I get that, but to say there are blessings in this without expressing that I live in blessings is kind of a mute point.

3. There is also a class envy that operates in the arena of money. Our politicians thrive on trying to make those who have money look like they took advantage of others. In addition to that our American way is that we blame everyone else for our struggles. Therefore, when someone starts talking about being blessed all these stereotypes start getting stirred up and so we look those who have as something other than they are.
concerning 1&2 I likewise understand where you are coming from.

#3 confuses me-are you saying people who struggle are blaming it on folks who pay tithes? I'm not stirred up by your blessing, and again, I am not struggling. I am asst general manager/director of produce operations of a grocery store corperation with several locations in north texas. I'm not rich, but I have a good base salary, plus quarterly bonuses. I'm not jealous of your money, or your blessing. I don't need your money, I am quite able to make it fine on what I make.
Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
Your last point, about "biblical proof" is laughable. It does not matter which scriptures people post those who have money issues have their reasons why they don't apply. It's like asking a thief on the street about what they stole and they have all their reasons why it wasn't stealing...."ahhhhh, the bike was just sitting their I thought they didn't want it anymore..."

What's laughable is that we are practically BEGGING you guys to PROVE your posistion with some scripture-and the repsonse we get when we ask for scripture is: "thieves!!!"
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

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Old 05-10-2009, 08:06 AM
Crossfire Crossfire is offline

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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

The tithe as we know it today, is a false doctrine instituted by the Roman Catholic Church, and was brought into the true church by converts from the false religion. There is absolutely no scriptural support for this false doctrine. Teachers/Preachers/Ministers who teach this doctrine of a tax on being a believers are frauding the people of God and will stand before God for their lies.
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Old 05-10-2009, 09:50 AM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
#3 confuses me-are you saying people who struggle are blaming it on folks who pay tithes? I'm not stirred up by your blessing, and again, I am not struggling. I am asst general manager/director of produce operations of a grocery store corperation with several locations in north texas. I'm not rich, but I have a good base salary, plus quarterly bonuses. I'm not jealous of your money, or your blessing. I don't need your money, I am quite able to make it fine on what I make.
No, #3 really had nothing to do with tithes or no tithes. It was dealing with those who have money and those who don't. My point was, like in the secular environment, those without money typically blame those with money as taking advantage of people, having unfair advantages, etc.

Bringing that into the church setting, there are more devils working on the money issue then on the music department Therefore, if someone stands up and says that they are blessed because they have tithed or given faithfully that same spirit works are those who are struggling to make it. They proclaim it wasn't the tithe, they have some unfair advantage, their smarter...whatever the excuse is.

It had no implication as to your job or your level of income. What happens is that our "jobs" become our source, which brings us into another problem. My wife is a teacher. In California teachers make a pretty decent salary. However, we don't live off her (or my) income we live off our giving. I couldn't tell you the number of ways that money comes to us. It is bizarre! But we are faithful with our money. We don't live a lavish lifestyle, because our focus is to keep missionaries in the field, keep the church strong, and help those who the Lord directs us to.

I am not the sharpest pencil in the box. Where we are today is not by our intellect, it is because we have learned how to operate in the provision of God.

Now, a down the road scenario. You have a job at the grocery store and probably make a pretty decent salary. My wife has a job at the school and makes a pretty decent salary. If both of you lost your job you are stuck having to get another job, but her job is not our source. My giving gives me covenant rights because my source is the Lord. I don't own anything I am just a manager of God's stuff. If God wants me to sell it or give it away I can because it is His. It really is a cool system that God has and He is really faithful to uphold His Word.
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Old 05-10-2009, 01:29 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

ok GS, I've heard the "source" stuff before. I think it's off base. People who don't believe tithes are binding on the New Testament church(such as myself) don't feel like we, or our job is the source. I am sueprvisor over more than 300 employees, at 27. I have been a supervisor since I was 24. I always have did things according to the word. Truth be told, years ago I was a cashier, I hated doing that. But reading the Word, it said work as unto the Lord. I put that principle into effect in my life. And tried to become the best cashier in the company. Moved from entry level to executive level in about 3 years. The majority of my employees (not counting sack boys) are 40-60's in age. Did I do it? No, I followed God's word. Did man promote me? Maybe-but all of my promotion I give God glory and thanks for. Because promotion doesn't come from the north or south, it comes from the Lord.

Our disagreement isn't giving to God, or God having provided for us. Our disagreement is that the scripture teaches a specific percentage that you must give monetarily. I make a majority of my living from what I have done in the Produce Operation. If I bring broccoli and brussels sprouts for tithe to a tithing pastor-wil they accept it, or will they want money?

Which brings me back to the part of my post you did not answer:

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
What's laughable is that we are practically BEGGING you guys to PROVE your posistion with some scripture-and the repsonse we get when we ask for scripture is: "thieves!!!"
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"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

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Old 05-10-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

After Jesus Christ death, burrial and resurrection -- there is no command to tithe? Can anyone produce one scriptural command to tithe that was given to the NT church?
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Old 05-10-2009, 05:24 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by bkstokes View Post
After Jesus Christ death, burrial and resurrection -- there is no command to tithe? Can anyone produce one scriptural command to tithe that was given to the NT church?
Can you give me one Scriptural command in the New Testament that says NOT to Tithe?
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Old 05-10-2009, 05:26 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Crossfire View Post
The tithe as we know it today, is a false doctrine instituted by the Roman Catholic Church, and was brought into the true church by converts from the false religion. There is absolutely no scriptural support for this false doctrine. Teachers/Preachers/Ministers who teach this doctrine of a tax on being a believers are frauding the people of God and will stand before God for their lies.
Do you go to Church on Sunday? Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Easter?
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Old 05-10-2009, 06:44 PM
Crossfire Crossfire is offline

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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
Do you go to Church on Sunday? Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Easter?
Yes, I fellowship on Sunday. No, I do not celebrate pagan holy days. I actually go to church everytime I get the chance. It is not a matter of the exact date, so much as it is the worship. But, your entire argument is completely flawed.
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Old 05-10-2009, 07:01 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Crossfire View Post
Yes, I fellowship on Sunday. No, I do not celebrate pagan holy days. I actually go to church everytime I get the chance. It is not a matter of the exact date, so much as it is the worship. But, your entire argument is completely flawed.
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