and just for the record... i don't believe Deut 22:5 is referencing pants...they weren't invented yet. It is in reference to cross dressing, and I don't believe women's pants ...made for women is cross dressing in 2008.
They are if men are wearing them!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
The moral law stands forever not just under Old Testament times. The Lord knew what would be happening in 2008 and his word still applies today just like it did then.
Nobody is doubting that God's Word applies to us all today.
Let's answer honestly just this one question.......
Fitting issues aside, would you buy and wear women's pants?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Grace requires more....? more of what? Please explain what you mean.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus bore away my sins, my sickness, and my poverty. That covers it all. Everything else is just legalism.
I saw a picture of J-Lo in a pair of pants------------------------
Sure didn't look like no man to me!!!!!!!
Seriously, the pants issue to me has more to do with a woman being modest than looking like a man. Of course there are lesbians trying to portray themselves as a man. The problem with this line of argument is that we have women in Pentecostal churches that will wear a skin-tight skirt/dress and justify that she is holy because she isn't wearing pants. The issue is sensuality and exposing the body in an inappropriate manner IMO.
Sooooo, wearing something that exposes the leg from just below the knee and offers an opportunity for the wind to blow it up, thereby exposing even more flesh falls under the "holy" category, but wearing something that does neither is "unholy"? Ooooooooook!