Sis. Mary Reid passed away last evening - sudden heart attack. Let's keep Bro. Reid and the family in our prayers.
Will be praying for Bro.Reid and the family.Bro.Reid baptized my grandmother in Jesus Name many moons ago out in the Miramichi river.Always enjoyed Sis.Reid's accordion playing and singing and testifying!
Wonderful service tonight sis! Several receive the Holy Ghost. Not sure how many.
My husband prayed with 3 different people who began speaking in tongues while he was praying with them, but because we don't know the people that well weren't sure if they had ever spoken in tongues before or not.
One of the 3 was the new guy (tall with glasses) who was baptized a couple weeks ago. I don't think he had spoken in tongues before but my husband doesn't like to tell people they've received. He'd rather they tell HIM but if they're brand new they might not really know for sure just what is happening to them.
But he WAS speaking in tongues.
That is awesome.......his name is Mike.....and I don't think he had spoken in tongues before. I hope your husband will relay the great news to pastor. With so many in the altar, it is hard to keep track.
Fabulous weekend.....we were blessed......and thankful to have been involved!
PS: Thanks for the compliments ladies....I love to worship.
When praying with people to receive the Holy Ghost baptism I like to emphasize to them that it is the power of the Holy Ghost that they are receiving and in most situations are experiencing at the moment, but like any language they need to allow the Holy Spirit to express Himself using their tongue, and lips, and voice. Once they begin to speak a few words I encourage them to continue until they have fluency. Mike was definitely speaking in tongues last night.
Also, a young man and woman standing in the aisle spoke in tongues as I prayed with them, but I'm not sure if it was their first time to speak. They had only stammering lips when I began praying with them. Some of you who know these people need to help confirm this with them and the pastor. Usually I would ask them for their name, but in these cases I didn't want to hinder the flow of the Spirit I felt moving upon them.
The power of God was there the entire weekend in a mighty manifestation, a deepness surrounded me wherever I went. On Sunday pm, a holy wave hit during rehearsal and each worship leader was anointed with a call to worship, I truly believe to a person, there were no performances except to Christ. When the liberty took over the service, and people began to look foolish, it just broke and folks were filled everywhere in the room. TB, I watched you from a distance, you have a rare form of altar working that does not work through everyone. I don't know where\when you picked that up but it is powerful to watch. I would feel sorry for a devil to get in your way when you have that anointing flowing (well, I wouldn't really feel sorry for it). Rachel, your worship is SO beautiful, you are amazing, you really are. Mrs.Monkey knows how I feel about her input this weekend, she is a warrior, I can't believe she actually hooked up with ME! When it is all said and done, to have 1 come to Christ after all that work it is enough, but to have so many...words cannot express how grateful I am.
And finally to all those dumb people who say Canadians are reserved...ummm, I have seen a whole different side to them than you have!!!
Pastor Justin is quite the dude (and ladies, quite the catch, he he) and to all of the pastors on AFF, if you can, next year, GIT your kids to YX 09!!!!!!!!! Especially if they are seeking the HG!!! Woooooooooooo
I wasn't planning on staying and sitting during the rehearsal... but it was so moving.. before even the wave came, it was so apparent it was about to.. When he said that he wanted to get the technical stuff out of the way.. it was so apparent from the first time the choir sang the song.. It was such a deep, heavy presence. Breathtaking that the God of all glory would take such an interest in us.
You both are so talented.. CCC is blessed with its ministry team.