Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Some of these conversations turn into the ultimate game of telephone. LOL
I just read the first post (for the first time) and all it is is a simple "Help Wanted" request.
Maybe Mr BD can go back and read my original post that got him all riled up and on his high horse. He comes on here calling names - talking about going to gay bars (seems HE is the one with the problem - I have never been to ANY bar or taken a drink of any alcohol in my life) and other crazy things, calling names, shooting off his idiocy and then says that he was apologetic and conciliatory????????? ROLF! This guy has a problem with LIFE and REALITY! What is he smokin'? His PROZAC is not working!
He said he did not bother to read the post and the answers to his crazy questions about WHAT I DID NOT PUT ON MY WEB PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought I had a pretty good answer and I would put our APOSTOLIC results up against his any day.
You know - anybody can get on here and rant and rave like someone insane about WHAT YOU DON'T SAY ON YOUR WEB SITE and then REFUSE to read the answer! This guy needs some help - he is hiding behind someone Else's name and picture and is a coward and a thief to take someone else name and pic and try to play like he is Bob Dylan!
At least you all know who I am - this guy is DECEITFUL and WRONG and had a BAD SPIRIT and I am calling him on it.
Come on BD - WHO are you? Show us your ministry. Where is your web site? Do you teach Bible Studies every week? How many have YOU baptized - BY IMMERSION (LOL - now why would I want a BAPTISTRY if I was NOT immersing them??????????????? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) In the name of Jesus Christ. How many have been filled with the Holy Ghost this year through your ministry?
How many nations have you traveled to without one dime of financial support and been arrested for preaching the Gospel and did not know if you would ever make it home alive?? How many churches have you planted?
I know I will probably get a rebuke for this - but I have given my life to preach and TO DEMONSTRATE the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world and then this nut case gets on here and accuses me of going to gay bars????????
Somebody better call this nut case in on this one - All I did was ask for a little help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob Dylan - COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!