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10-07-2024, 01:20 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Yes, there are those who want this pervert back in the pulpit.
When Bob Coy was caught for his adultery, half the church wanted him back in the pulpit. Lawson is a headliner, and has a fan base that still want him back. Remember they believe it is impossible to stop sinning. If that is the case, then how can he be expected not to sin, and how can people not forgive him. Chris Reed posted a new video where he rambles about his adultery. He still has his fan club. In this new video he has proven he lost him mind over his situation. Brother, these guys are kept around by no one else but their fans. Jimmy Swaggart never regained his fame he had before he was found out. But he still had a following who supported him. Lawson is no different.
I see your point. I can only see himself continuing if he reinvents himself as a charismatic wof type.
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
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10-07-2024, 05:04 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by diakonos
I see your point. I can only see himself continuing if he reinvents himself as a charismatic wof type.
I believe we are in a drastically changing environment in this time. People are blurring the lines on what exactly is sin. Here is the new Chris Reed (continuing to dig himself a hole) video. In the first half of the video he shows his audience that he made correct predictions. Rambles on about the situation in the Middle East. Claims that he predicted the hurricane in NC, Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia. Specifically points out the dam breaking. Then shifts to explaining how he making out with his girlfriend wasn't really s*xual sin, but just heavy petting. that it was really a long time ago... three years. He associates himself with Donald Trump. Then claims that anyone who criticizes him is part of cancel culture, and a Marxist? He then associates himself with the woman caught in the act of adultery. Since he only has a third grade level understanding of the scripture. He believes that Jesus just shamed the men into not casting the first stone. By embarrassing them with the words "he who is without sin, cast the first stone." When in fact, if they would of brought both parties (man and woman) who were caught in the very act of adultery. Jesus would've had to say these men were in their legal right to carry out capital punishment. Since they had both parties ready to be sentenced, Leviticus 20:10. The he who without sin comment wasn't that they too were adulterers. But, they too were law breakers.
Chris is a desperate man, and sadly, desperate men do desperate things.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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11-09-2024, 05:12 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Preacher worship really is a bummer.
Jesus has never let me down.
I hear they can’t wait until Lawson is restored so he can get back in the pulpit.
Now everyone will get another chance to be devastated, when he messes up again.
There is no church discipline because Lawson was not a member of any church.
The church everyone thought he pastored was paying Lawson to preach regularly. He was listed as lead preacher, not pastor or elder.
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//

01-24-2025, 06:46 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
The Evangelist might be interested in knowing, Chris Reed has started “Jesus Revolution” Church.
Also, he prophesied in 2019 (I believe that’s the year) that Pam Bondi would become AG of the USofA
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.

01-25-2025, 09:41 AM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
The Evangelist might be interested in knowing, Chris Reed has started “Jesus Revolution” Church.
Also, he prophesied in 2019 (I believe that’s the year) that Pam Bondi would become AG of the USofA
And there was that time that he prophesied that he would be exposed for his affairs and leave Morningstar.
Oh wait. That didn’t happen did it? Evidently he never saw that coming.
His batting average is not very impressive to me. Of course I really don’t pay too much attention to him.

01-26-2025, 07:36 AM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
And there was that time that he prophesied that he would be exposed for his affairs and leave Morningstar.
Oh wait. That didn’t happen did it? Evidently he never saw that coming.
His batting average is not very impressive to me. Of course I really don’t pay too much attention to him.
I think you would be expecting too much if he needed to start prophesying his own shortcomings.
I mean to many, that is pretty impressive that he said 5 years ago that that Ms. Bondi would be AG and in 5 years it seems like she will be after Matt Gatez pulled out.
Many believers have been waiting 40+ years from others prophesying about the coming of the Lord.
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.

01-26-2025, 08:54 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
I think you would be expecting too much if he needed to start prophesying his own shortcomings.
I mean to many, that is pretty impressive that he said 5 years ago that that Ms. Bondi would be AG and in 5 years it seems like she will be after Matt Gatez pulled out.
Many believers have been waiting 40+ years from others prophesying about the coming of the Lord.
I did a little research on his prophecy record. I’ll post a couple videos and you can tell me what you think when you get time if you don’t mind?

01-30-2025, 07:40 AM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
The Evangelist might be interested in knowing, Chris Reed has started “Jesus Revolution” Church.
Brother Nick, what purpose is it of yours' to inform me that a sexual deviant is now operating out of another dwelling? Dear brother, do you advocate such behavior? I truly don't believe that you do. So, maybe you can explain your purpose?
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
Also, he prophesied in 2019 (I believe that’s the year) that Pam Bondi would become AG of the USofA
Brother Nick, Deuteronomy 13:1-5 is pretty clear. I don't believe Chris Reed ever prophesied anything. But, Deuteronomy 13:1-5 clarifies that if someone dreams a dream, or gives a sign or wonder that comes to pass. Yet, uses these things to lead the saints astray? Don't advocate them!
Chris Reed is a Sexual Deviant, you can make excuses for this guy until the cows come home. My job is to advocate Christ, and sir, I suggest you do them same. You feel some kinship to Reed? Then I pray you get an epiphany before you bring your wife and children around him. These situations in leadership of infidelity and sexual misconduct don't pop up out of the ether. This is a character flaw. They don't just betray their spouse, they betray their children. Their sons, and their daughters. You want to help restore Chris Reed? Well, let me say this, he doesn't think he has a problem. Therefore he doesn't believe he needs any restoration. You believe you can bring him back to the Apostolic One God Jesus name faith? Well, save your breath to cool your porridge. Because even if he was Apostolic Ultra Conservative Holiness to the marrow of his bones, he would still have a pervert problem. That my boy crumbles the whole fortress.
Brother Nick, but please explain your reasoning that you would come on this forum and bring this individuals name to me? His plans of churchanity, and his predictions for the politically minded? Please, I welcome any thoughts you may offer me.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

01-31-2025, 10:36 PM
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Brother Nick, what purpose is it of yours' to inform me that a sexual deviant is now operating out of another dwelling?
Didn’t mean to offend.
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.

02-01-2025, 06:59 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
Didn’t mean to offend.
Why do you believe I'm offended? I just asked for an explanation?
Are you in fellowship with Chris Reed?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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