Originally Posted by Sean
Brother, your words are well taken here.
I will tone it down, but I needed to let folks see that there is NO DEBATE regarding the tithing issue. It is a completely man made philosophy that has kept folks out of the kingdom of God and has greatly hindered those that are trying to be saved. Thats the bottom line.
I realize they will never change, but I want the next generation to see these guys miserably fail to make their case and give them the tools to abandon this heresy.
If we can leave anything to our children, the most important thing is truth.
Nice that you tone it down, but I need to let folks see that there is
PLENTY OF DEBATE regarding the tithing issue. It is a completely biblical made philosophy that has kept those who would rob God out of the kingdom of God and has greatly contributed to the salvation of those who are trying to be saved.
That's the bottom line.
I realize that you will perhaps never change, but I want the next generation to see that those who opposed tithing failed miserably to make their case and give the tools to combat this misinterpretation of the word of God.
If we can leave anything to our children, the most important thing is truth.
I have already used Biblical texts to defend that tithing is a Christian precept, you have simply refused my Bible based arguments.
And no I do not wish your death, harm or that something evil will happen to you just because you happened to disagree with me.
I still only wish you to have a long and prosperous life, and that you will make it into the kingdom of heaven.
Wishing you showers of blessings upon your life.