Originally Posted by Jekyll
Exactly...an issue here is motivation...why do we do/wear what we do/wear?? Still, does not detract from the sin of getting a tatoo and all that is associated with a tatoo.
Paradigm - another buzzword for openmindedness...please don't insult my intelligence with your condescending tone. Anyone here who calls sin, sin is small minded, right??
No..actually paradigm used here is simply what it is: "A way of looking at things through the lense of personal experience."
No again...I am not being condescending to you. I am simply trying to have a discussion.
No a third time...anyone who arbitrarily names something sin without scriptural backing is small minded in the confines of preaching or believing something simply because someone said it--as opposed to really knowing what the scripture says. (BTW, we have all been guilty of this).