Gandi did a great work for the people of India was he saved?
Columbus discovered this great nation was he saved?
Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, whoever discovered AC has made life much easier I guess their contributions saves them?
Martin Luther King changed America for the better is he saved?
This whole thread is stupid.
I am glad for every hungry and sick person Mother Teresa cared for.
I am glad for Popes who spoke against abortion.
I am glad for politicians that have opposed same-sex marriages.
I appreciate the Salvation Army-Red Cross-Lions-Shriners-Masons-Amercian Legion-VFW-whoever that has helped human suffering.
I appreciate the researchers in modern medicine that has made life better and longer.
I appreciate good doctors, lawyers, builders, employers, investors, politicians who have made life better.
Your appreciation thread is toooooooooooooooooooo narrow!!!!!!!!
However NOT one person is saved in this dispensation who has not obeyed
Acts 2:38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!