Originally Posted by Neckstadt
Let's see from 1964 the year of my birth until 1978.
I lived in 13 states.
My dad evangelized with or without us 50 weeks a year.
I attended almost every GC from 1970-2000.
I belonged to the largest UPCI church in Wisconsin.
I have been in hundreds of UPCI churches.
My sister is married to a UPCI minister.
I've see it all...
I don't know why I bothered, I forgot, you know more about the UPC and every single church in every single district and you have personal contact with every known preacher living or dead, blah, blah, blah... to infinity and beyond.
I concede, you are the foremost authority on all things UPCI, from here on out I defer to your infinite knowledge and wisdom.
I really have no desire to argue with you over this, but I cannot understand how a grown man is incapable of admitting that perhaps he might be overstating his case.
I have just as many facts to throw out as to my heritage and experience in the UPC, for personal reasons I choose not to do that.
My experience is that your statistics are incorrect. I am not saying that it doesn't happen, and that it doesn't happen in a lot of places, but I am saying is that your figures are bad.
And frankly, the reasoning that you have used to come to them are insulting, to me and to many other women who have no control over the length of our hair.