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Old 01-23-2008, 01:42 PM
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QE- Sounds like you and your family have the winter crud!!!!!!! The media has been saying it is going around. When I taught school I would come down with it several times a year. When I left the classroom and went into administration, I came down with it about every other year. Now that I am home - I have not been sick with it at all- I can tell you from experience- that rest is one of the best things for it- But when we work, you feel like you have to keep going or if you do take off- you feel like you have to rush back - a vicious cycle. Well - I hope hubby gets to feeling better and I am sure the licensing board thing will come out well- But I will be praying for your family.

I had lunch with my good friend yesterday. She is doing very well- her cancer is in remission right now- She is in an experimental treatment program in Houston. So far she has responded very well. She has to be on continual antibiotics, because of a botched stint operation in a lung. If she gets pneumonia one more time she will have to have the lung removed. Her attitude is amazing - She is very upbeat and tries to enjoy life to its fullest - one day at a time. It really makes you count your blessings - Have a great day all-
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Old 01-24-2008, 07:42 AM
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Wow! I had to dig this thread up from page 3!!!! How is everyone this morning? I woke up to SNOW!!! Not really happy about it at this point I am ready for spring. I woke up this morning with my shoulder hurting me really badly, on New Years day I pinched a nerve in my back/neck area and it still keeps hurting off and on, it's about to drive me nuts!!!!

Well, I hope you all have a great day!!! I'll check back in later.
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Old 01-24-2008, 08:26 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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I'm glad you're back QE! We missed you. Sorry to hear that everyone has been sick. That junk has been through our house too, and it seems like it takes forever to get rid of. I hope everyone in your house gets well quickly!

I've only been up for about an hour today. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I guess I just had too many things running through my mind. I did a lot of praying while I couldn't sleep. Maybe that's the reason I can't sleep. Maybe I need to pray more.

I finally went to sleep after Samantha came in from work about 3:25 this morning.... then got back up at 4:45 with hubby and got him out the door to work. Then I went back to bed at 5:30 and slept till 8:20.

I have a lot of things on my list of things to do today, but it's so cold here this morning I find it hard to move away from this little heater that I have sitting here by my desk. I knew I should have never gotten comfortable in front of the heater.

I really do need to get up and get some laundry done-- and at least make up my bed and hang up everyone's coats they left on the couch after we came in from church last night.

I'll check back in later. Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 01-24-2008, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
Good Tuesday morning all....burrrrrrrr it is so cold here....we are in the 20's and below in some area's! Clear and cold! At least I am getting to see the sun, the bad part is..........................my windows are so dirty!!!! YIKES!

OH but the sunshine is soooo nice after weeks of rain!

Where is everyone...is there a Gabby's boycott?

Ron how come you post here anymore?
QE....your usually here at least once a day!!!

Come on ladies, and a few brave men....post a note please! I don't want to
be the only one here!!!!!

I hope you all have a blessed and beautiful day!!!
Gooood Moooorning Ladies!
How is everyone doing.

STS-What a Bike! I think that would make it all the way to Canada!!!

CareyM, I know it is,t really a sellers market right now but God is till with you
and will guide you!

Blubayou, good to see you ministiribg to your friend.

QE, it is no fun have the kids sick. We had another friend whose kids got sick with Rubella & now the kids have a couple of spots.
If it isn't one t5hing it is another!

Tina, couldn't sleep? Musta been God waking you up to pray for your deer, snifff, Bro sniff, Ron.:

Sis PO, is back posting!

Well I hope all are blessed mightily today!

Have a great day in Jesus!!!


PS we are expecting light fluriies over the next few days even thought it has been sunny the last couple of days!
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Old 01-24-2008, 11:24 AM
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Well it's about time!!!

Welcome back Ron!
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Old 01-24-2008, 12:01 PM
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Hello all - I got a bee in my bonnet today and cleaned out a wet bar room off of the kitchen that has been collecting junk for 6 years!!!!! The piles of junk had worked on my last good nerve so I took action. I have been watching those organizing shows so I followed their tips. I took everything out of the room first - as I took it out I had a Goodwill box, a keep stack and I put things other places as I could. When I started putting things back I tried to organize them in categories. I even got the labeler out and labeled stuff!!!!! Now I have oodles of room in there to start stacking things again!!!!!!! I also have a couple more rooms to organize!!! Yuck!
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Old 01-24-2008, 12:46 PM
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Just thought I would share a few pics from Jasmine's birthday party!

She decorated the cupcakes herself!!

Ariel getting into the presents....

One extra of Ariel!

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Old 01-24-2008, 01:15 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Gooood Moooorning Ladies!
How is everyone doing.

STS-What a Bike! I think that would make it all the way to Canada!!!

CareyM, I know it is,t really a sellers market right now but God is till with you
and will guide you!

Blubayou, good to see you ministiribg to your friend.

QE, it is no fun have the kids sick. We had another friend whose kids got sick with Rubella & now the kids have a couple of spots.
If it isn't one t5hing it is another!

Tina, couldn't sleep? Musta been God waking you up to pray for your deer, snifff, Bro sniff, Ron.:

Sis PO, is back posting!

Well I hope all are blessed mightily today!

Have a great day in Jesus!!!


PS we are expecting light fluriies over the next few days even thought it has been sunny the last couple of days!
Thanks Ron...we appreciate the prayers and support! Hubby has an awesome job opportunity that he's just finished testing and interviewing for...I'm anxiously awaiting the results!
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Old 01-24-2008, 03:02 PM
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QE - great pictues Thanks for sharing.
Carey- Keeping our fingers crossed and the prayers going up.
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Old 01-24-2008, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
Good Wednesday AM to all...it is very cold and clear here! We over slept!!! YIKES...I use my phone for our alarm and I left it on my desk last night...opps! I did not hear it until it had been going off for an hour...needless to say we hit the floor running this AM....

I have a dentist appointment today and I do not want to go outside!! its just too cold...burrrrrrrrrrrr!

Malachi will be here today! I have not seen him sense they moved to the Chicago area...it will be so good to give him a big HUG....missed my boy(son of the heart, like my daughters) a lot!

I hope you all have the most wonderful day....bless you all and post a bit to stay in touch....does anyone know where QueenE is....I am a bit worried she is so regular here....
OMG!!! One of your sons visited you and I had to find out about it on the FORUM?!?

What is up with that?!? I KNEW you didn't love me no more!!!

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