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01-19-2008, 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by CareyM
Ok, I'm getting desperate! We really need our house to sell so we can get back to the West Coast. My husband is going back for testing and interviews on a good job and we are just waiting on the house now. There is a couple who are interested...please pray with us that they will make us an offer soon. Thanks ladies!
You know I am ..... I am just waiting to hear a big scream from Chicagoland...then I will know the house sold and your on your way! I am praying girl!!!

01-19-2008, 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Tina
Tonight has been pretty mundane, but since you want us to post all the mundane things to keep everyone else from being bored, I will post it. LOL
I cooked supper-- Chili Dogs & Tater tots. So far off the list of foods I should be eating on this diet, but I was just too lazy tonight to do anything else.
I gave Michael a haircut. This was fun. NOT! Michael despises getting his hair cut. I'll spare you the details on that, but it wasn't pretty.
I'm just sitting here now relaxing, and entering a few more of those contests before I take off to play a couple of games with Kara or watch a movie. I told her to decide which she wanted to do while she's in the shower-- and when she's finished.. we can do something.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Not only do I get to attend my own church service-- but tomorrow evening, I will be visiting Toof's church in Corinth. I will have the special treat of getting to hear Bro Coonskinner preach. He's one of my favorite posters on the forum, and I've heard a couple of his messages online. I'm really looking forward to meeting Toof, CS and Lady CS, but I am also looking forward to hearing CS preach.
Ahhhh sounds like a nice day...  ...for the most part...WE GOT THE BIKE IN THE GARAGE! My word what a job!!! My body is aching all over!!! I gave Sophie an old toy of hers...its stuffed...she does not get them anymore because she makes such a mess, but I felt like just being nice...lol....so I can hear her in the living room killing the poor thing....it keeps going swack swack...then sweeck...sweeeeeck...and she shakes the bugers out of it! She is having so much fun!!!

01-19-2008, 07:01 PM
Formerly known as CareyM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 2,429
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Will do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Renda!
Thanks STS!
Tina, I completely understand the haircut thing...my 15 yr old practically does this  everytime I cut his hair.

01-19-2008, 07:33 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: North of I-10
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Carey - Praying!

01-21-2008, 08:13 AM
Good Monday Morning........well we survived another weekend...got the garage cleaned up and the Harley now has a home inside...wow what a job!
It cleard off enough yesterday for us to get a quick ride in! It was cold, but it was so refreshing and fun to buzz about for about 30 min. It took longer to get ready I think than the ride itself...lol....all the gear!
Well I have a lot of cleanup to do around the house today....booo....my dream would be to have someone to come and clean my house! I used to work so hard at it, but now days its just not worth it...someday I need to get inspired and move everything and do a deep deep clean, but it takes me forever....
Have a great day everyone!

01-22-2008, 08:16 AM
Good Tuesday morning all....burrrrrrrr it is so cold here....we are in the 20's and below in some area's! Clear and cold! At least I am getting to see the sun, the bad part is..........................my windows are so dirty!!!! YIKES!
 OH but the sunshine is soooo nice after weeks of rain!
Where is everyone...is there a Gabby's boycott?
Ron how come you post here anymore?
QE....your usually here at least once a day!!!
Come on ladies, and a few brave men....post a note please! I don't want to be the only one here!!!!!
I hope you all have a blessed and beautiful day!!!

01-22-2008, 08:37 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: North of I-10
Posts: 2,831
Hello all- I had a busy day yesterday- We had to move some furniture that was mine that my nephew was using. We dropped by my parents house about noon, and their electricity was on the fritz. Now yesterday was pretty cold here - 27 at night and 50's during the day. The power company came out and said it was some worn out wiring- their house is about 40 years old. So the electrician came out and said it would be tomorrow before they could have it fixed. Everything has to be brought up to code - cha ching- My parents had to spend the night with us last night. My mother is in poor health and is not very mobile- so we scurried around to set up a generator at their house to make sure the refrigerator was OK- and gave them our bedroom and bath for the night. We made the night pretty good. I could tell my parents were tired this am, just being out of their environment and routine is hard on them. I am having lunch with a dear friend of mine- We worked together for 20 years- she was my mentor and friend- She has been fighting kidney cancer for 7 years- it has spread to her lungs - right now it is in remission. We try to get together at least once a month and catch up on everything. Please whisper a prayer for her, her name is Kathy. Well - I better sign off now- Have a great Tuesday-

01-22-2008, 11:06 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 6,501
Busy day yesterday catching up on everything that was let go over the weekend. At least today the house is all cleaned up, laundry is caught up so I don't have to do those things. I'm trying to figure out what I'm cooking for supper tonight. I need to get it done early because we have prayer meeting at 6pm, and youth service following prayer meeting at 7pm. Last week was the first official youth service with our new youth pastor. We had two young girls to receive the holy ghost in that service. I'm looking forward to the service tonight.
It's rainy and cold here today. I'm just praying that it clears off this afternoon and dries up a little. It's supposed to drop into the mid-twenties tonight. I would hate for all this to freeze on the roads. Samantha has to work from 4:30pm till 3am. Hubby is already talking about just driving her to work this afternoon and him going to bed early so he can be there at 3am to pick her up in case it does get icy. She's never had to drive on ice-- and we don't want her learning to do so at 3am!! Help me pray that it stops the raining and that this stuff dries up some so that it doesn't freeze over. That would be such a mess. People here don't know how to drive on icy roads...... makes for very dangerous driving conditions.
I've gotta run make lunch for Michael. We've finished up his lessons already today-- so he's going to have lunch, and watch a movie quietly while he lets Samantha sleep another hour or so.
Hope everyone has a great day!

01-22-2008, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Blubayou
Hello all- I had a busy day yesterday- We had to move some furniture that was mine that my nephew was using. We dropped by my parents house about noon, and their electricity was on the fritz. Now yesterday was pretty cold here - 27 at night and 50's during the day. The power company came out and said it was some worn out wiring- their house is about 40 years old. So the electrician came out and said it would be tomorrow before they could have it fixed. Everything has to be brought up to code - cha ching- My parents had to spend the night with us last night. My mother is in poor health and is not very mobile- so we scurried around to set up a generator at their house to make sure the refrigerator was OK- and gave them our bedroom and bath for the night. We made the night pretty good. I could tell my parents were tired this am, just being out of their environment and routine is hard on them. I am having lunch with a dear friend of mine- We worked together for 20 years- she was my mentor and friend- She has been fighting kidney cancer for 7 years- it has spread to her lungs - right now it is in remission. We try to get together at least once a month and catch up on everything. Please whisper a prayer for her, her name is Kathy. Well - I better sign off now- Have a great Tuesday-
OH sis....our parents become frail and we have to help them, and that is so hard to see them age, then we become the caretakers...roll reversal. It can be so hard...I hope they get everything fixed ok...
I will wisper a prayer for your friend...this is not an easy rode for her...its good that your able to be together at least once a month....times you will treasure in the future!
Have a great day....

01-22-2008, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tina
Busy day yesterday catching up on everything that was let go over the weekend. At least today the house is all cleaned up, laundry is caught up so I don't have to do those things. I'm trying to figure out what I'm cooking for supper tonight. I need to get it done early because we have prayer meeting at 6pm, and youth service following prayer meeting at 7pm. Last week was the first official youth service with our new youth pastor. We had two young girls to receive the holy ghost in that service. I'm looking forward to the service tonight.
It's rainy and cold here today. I'm just praying that it clears off this afternoon and dries up a little. It's supposed to drop into the mid-twenties tonight. I would hate for all this to freeze on the roads. Samantha has to work from 4:30pm till 3am. Hubby is already talking about just driving her to work this afternoon and him going to bed early so he can be there at 3am to pick her up in case it does get icy. She's never had to drive on ice-- and we don't want her learning to do so at 3am!! Help me pray that it stops the raining and that this stuff dries up some so that it doesn't freeze over. That would be such a mess. People here don't know how to drive on icy roads...... makes for very dangerous driving conditions.
I've gotta run make lunch for Michael. We've finished up his lessons already today-- so he's going to have lunch, and watch a movie quietly while he lets Samantha sleep another hour or so.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I will pray its not too bad the weather...its cold like that here, but at least dry right now...they are saying maybe snow later in the week, which is better than freezing rain. I am glad your hubby will be driving her...its so much safer that way....have a good time at church sis....have a great day too!
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