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Old 03-05-2014, 03:14 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

I worked for many years in a leper colony, preached to killer Indians, stood before a group of cannibal Indians and talked with them, spent the night at a convent with little nuns, ate breakfast with the priest, sat with JW elders at one of their conventions in a room and discussed who Jesus is....many things like this....I do not agree with them, the leper colony was mostly spiritist ....however none of them and what they write are stupid. I do not agree with them....I do not agree with JW doctrine on a whole but their writers are not stupid...
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Old 03-05-2014, 05:28 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

it has been instructive for me to witness the decline of our legalist men right here in this thread, from men who surely love the Lord. The very nature of becoming a believer is to embrace change; change your mind (Of course even that phrase now has a different meaning to us, as in "i changed my mind, i think i'll have cole slaw" instead of "stop thinking the way you have been raised."

This is of course the very hardest thing for a human to do, possibly; especially one who has gotten some knowledge from those they respect, and assimilate it without question. Fruit, or lack thereof, may then more easily be ignored, or reasoned away.

Witness that ten women may now bake your 'bread', possibly, gentlemen--or i'm afraid that that is right around the corner. Oh, and btw, i have a beautiful little church for sale in Flint, one of many, this one's about 10,000 square feet, in great shape, manicured lawn, the whole bit. 50 cents a square foot. i got ten others if that one's not to your liking, or costs a little too much. Flintopia just got offered this one for back-taxes.
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Old 03-05-2014, 05:28 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

it has been instructive for me to witness the decline of our legalist men right here in this thread, from men who surely love the Lord. The very nature of becoming a believer is to embrace change; change your mind (Of course even that phrase now has a different meaning to us, as in "i changed my mind, i think i'll have cole slaw" instead of "stop thinking the way you have been raised."

This is of course the very hardest thing for a human to do, possibly; especially one who has gotten some knowledge from those they respect, and assimilate it without question. Fruit, or lack thereof, may then more easily be ignored, or reasoned away.

Witness that ten women may now bake your 'bread', possibly, gentlemen--or i'm afraid that that is right around the corner. Oh, and btw, i have a beautiful little church for sale in Flint, one of many, this one's about 10,000 square feet, in great shape, manicured lawn, the whole bit. 50 cents a square foot. i got ten others if that one's not to your liking, or costs a little too much. Flintopia just got offered this one for back-taxes.
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Old 03-05-2014, 07:28 AM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11g

Originally Posted by RJR View Post
In light of the fact that woman could witness as empowered by the HG, she could prophesy and pray in the church, she could sing psalms, have an interpretation, speak in tongues, have a revelation. Yet, in verses 34-35 there was a certain kind of speaking she could NOT do in the church, comparing that to 1 Tim 2, would you mind giving an educated guess as to what type of speaking by a woman was prohibited in the church? Keep in mind, the glaring and undeniable precedent established, by the facts, no female priest in temple or tabernacle, no qualifications for a female bishop or deacon, no female apostle chosen by Christ, and coupled with the fact of the definitions of the words as well as their usage, leaves little room for your conclusions, eh?
This is exactly how errors in doctrine occur. Take an instance here, pull a definition from there, use an example over there, stir it up with lack of mention and VOILA!! You have serpent seed doctrine, snake handling doctrine, and no Jesus name baptism doctrine.

You also excuse women to do things that are also not mentioned in scripture with specifics you claim are lacking when it comes to women preaching. You say they can witness but I don't see where a woman in scripture ever did that. You said they can prophesy but I don't see a woman prophesying in the NT.

You can have it both ways. If you just stick to what scripture says and not add your own interpretation to it, you can't go wrong.
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Old 03-05-2014, 07:36 AM
RJR RJR is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11g

Originally Posted by Sasha View Post
This is exactly how errors in doctrine occur. Take an instance here, pull a definition from there, use an example over there, stir it up with lack of mention and VOILA!! You have serpent seed doctrine, snake handling doctrine, and no Jesus name baptism doctrine.

You also excuse women to do things that are also not mentioned in scripture with specifics you claim are lacking when it comes to women preaching. You say they can witness but I don't see where a woman in scripture ever did that. You said they can prophesy but I don't see a woman prophesying in the NT.

You can have it both ways. If you just stick to what scripture says and not add your own interpretation to it, you can't go wrong.
Sasha, I want to know before I proceed, are you saying that a woman witnessing and prophesying is the same as serpent seed doctrine and "no Jesus name doctrine?"

I can produce the passages where women were told they would witness and prophesy, can you produce one where a woman was told to PREACH? You give your verses and then I will produce mine.
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:21 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

So, is this the most popular thread ever?
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:30 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Prax should know the record...
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:38 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by chad87 View Post
So, is this the most popular thread ever?
I was wondering the same thing today. Do I get some kind of award for starting the whole mess?
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:40 AM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11g

Originally Posted by RJR View Post
Sasha, I want to know before I proceed, are you saying that a woman witnessing and prophesying is the same as serpent seed doctrine and "no Jesus name doctrine?"

I can produce the passages where women were told they would witness and prophesy, can you produce one where a woman was told to PREACH? You give your verses and then I will produce mine.
You can't produce one that explicitly says, "Women shalt not preach". There is not one that says "women, thou shalt preach". Therefore, this whole argument is moot.
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:51 AM
RJR RJR is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11g

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
You can't produce one that explicitly says, "Women shalt not preach". There is not one that says "women, thou shalt preach". Therefore, this whole argument is moot.
Pardon me, I didn't know you were Sasha.

Yes, 1 Cor 14:34-35 and 1 Tim. 2:12 says exactly what you say it does not say, it expressly forbids a woman to preach.
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