Originally Posted by pelathais
"throwing off on the blood" ??? I don't know what that phrase means.
Wearing a red shirt is wrong, and GT Haywood is called upon to support this? Nah.
I'm not flashy enough to wear a bright red dress shirt myself, but I would need some sort of Scriptural justification before I tell someone else what to wear or not to wear.
I don't go for the pink myself, but I have to admidt that it's just my preference and not anything from the Bible.
Yet the Apostles of the 1st Century did not restrict themselves to only white tunics, etc. White is symbolic (as most every color is), but to put ones self into the position of telling other people what to wear and not to wear without any real Biblical support seems to me to be a bit presumptuous.
I'm afraid because of the words that I speak in a Bible study, sermon or whenever I'm putting myself out there as speaking for the things of God. I would not add to or take away from what's written in the Book.
I mentioned G. T. Haywood because he wrote the song "I See A
Crimson Stream of Blood" ... only to say or reiterate that we know that the blood of Jesus Christ is crimson red.
And if a man wears a red dress shirt or red suit, anything loud in the color red, would be throwing off on the blood of Jesus, or one could say that they are being "lose, careless, etc" with the blood due to their choice of color.
As for as pink goes, I believe the Bible teaches a man should be masculine and not in any way feminine in nature. Thus pink shirts are totally unacceptable and should not be worn.
It is from my understanding by being around and talking to the old timers of Pentecost that if men back years ago wore colored shirts to church or patten-leather shoes, they would be considered a homosexual. Now while that is
NOT the case today, I still believe we should take into consideration some of the good standards that our forefathers taught. In my opinion it will not make anyone closer to God should they adhere to this standards, nor will it break anyone from having a close relation with God if they choose not to.