Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Surely there is a "Oneness Sabbath Keepers - Yahweh baptizing" Forum on the INTERNET somewhere! If there is one - I promise to stay off of it and not harass those that choose to be wrong and believe all that goofy stuff!
We discuss things on AF that are far more goofy than the Sabbath AB. Besides, this is an “Apostolic” forum and we are Holy Ghost filled Jesus name baptized believers. Also, isn’t the position of non-sabbath keepers not to esteem any day over another? By saying we are not welcome you are testifying that your chosen day of worship (I assume Sunday) is to be esteemed above the Sabbath on this forum. You’re opposing yourself dear brother.
Why would people come on here to high jack this forum with all this crazy
One thread in possibly dozens is hardly hijacking a forum AB. In your opposition you’re exaggerating.
I am better cause I milk goats and keep the Sabbath/honor one day above the rest and use Hebrew names and what ever else nonsense some of you guys are into.
We’re not better than you. We simply sincerely believe obeying the Ten Commandments is important for Christian sanctification. Yet your post here makes me feel as though you feel you are better than Sabbath keepers because you don’t place such a high regard on the Law of God.
If you believe all that - why can't you do it on a Oneness Sabbath Yahweh Forum!
Because we’re faithful Apostolic Friends Bro. AB.
I was raised in strange cultic Pentecostalism and escaped from it and I am sick of strange weird cultic wacky ideologies that some of you have and you have to try and shove it down our throats. I am not drinking your KOOL AID!
Ummm… most of us attend mainstream churches with Sunday services AB. Why? It is because we do not want churches NOT to meet on Sunday. We’re concerned with the notion of disregarding the Sabbath. Our Sabbath keeping is primarily one of personal devotion and love for God’s ways. I’m sorry you had to attend a cultic Pentecostal church AB. Try not to send that bitterness our way. You need to forgive them and not harbor so much animosity. Not for them, but for your own good.
BTW...I keep the SABBATH every single day and do not honor one day above another.
Wait…you say that, but you’d invite us to leave this forum because we advocate keeping the Sabbath? You’re actions oppose your words. Obviously you do esteem Sunday worship above the weekly Sabbath or you wouldn’t demand we leave. Also, we too keep our Sabbath in Christ every day. However, we believe that the Ten Commandments are God’s moral Law and that not one jot or tittle shall pass away from the Law of God until Heaven and Earth pass away. The crux of the position is the honor placed upon the Ten Commandments.
I am NOT going to argue NO TITHE, HOUSE CHURCHES, SABBATH, YAHWEH, or anything else - I just thought since most on here want to just keep peace with these weird wacky ideas - that SOMEBODY should say - YOU ARE WRONG! I don't have time to argue with you all day and night and cut and paste continually to argue with you. You guys are straining at gnats and swallowing camels! DONE!
We’re discussing this issue AB. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to post on this thread. In fact, I’d wager that you’re kicking against the pricks or you honestly wish to discuss it…or you wouldn’t have posted here.
So…do you believe the Ten Commandments have been abolished?