Lol, a blessing or a blasting? Sometimes the two become easily intertwined in Apostolic land........
Or, we could moderate your comments here before they're posted, and decide whether they are worthy of the other forum does that accused of us being slanderous liars..........
But, nah.....we encourage several viewpoints, and endorse several flavors of Koolaid, not just our own favorite!
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
Lol, a blessing or a blasting? Sometimes the two become easily intertwined in Apostolic land........
Or, we could moderate your comments here before they're posted, and decide whether they are worthy of the other forum does that accused of us being slanderous liars..........
But, nah.....we encourage several viewpoints, and endorse several flavors of Koolaid, not just our own favorite!
For the purposes of this discussion, the term "Apostolic" is defined by the forum itself. Whether their definition is right or wrong, it is their definition.
Perhaps a change in the doctrinal statement and the forum name would be appropriate to express what the forum "is" rather than what the forum "was."
". . . as I suspect was true for those teaching Scriptures, I found that my students often felt they knew the Constitution without having really read it. They were accustomed to picking out phrases that they'd heard and using them to bolster their immediate arguments, or ignoring passages that seemed to contradict their views." Barack Obama in "The Audacity of Hope"
That is your issue Socialite. This is what is wrong here.
There shouldnt be a debate about what "Being Apostolic" means on AFF.
There is a clear statment in the rules that has been posted in this thread as to what it means on AFF.
See? you dont like that and want to define it as something else. Have at it. just change the name to something else and be what you want to be.
By the way, the statement in the rules are broad enough to encompass both the Water Spirit folks as well as the Neo-PCI folks and everythign in between.
We all ought to be mature enough to recognize that while we dont agree with each other, all of these views are within a certain "orthodoxy" that we can live in peace and have civil debate about those differences.
Instead, we have full out attacks and charges of heritic/catholic/barean (sp) etc against anything that isnt saved at repentance and all who are christians are as apostolic as Verbal Bean.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
i just figure the name ought to represent the substance of what is here...
the name as it stands could be confusing to some...
it would be like going to to discover that the website had no toys....
Bro. Stout, I'm with you on this. I'm not here to make trouble or get in fights with anyone, but it isn't wrong at all to call things as they are. And this clearly has become a place where Apostolics are the ones being made fun of, ridiculted, mocked, and namecalled. I don't have trouble with honest conversation with someone who is interested in learning something about who and what Apostolics are, but there are many many people here who are not here to learn but to tear down the pentecostal faith. I've been lurking for a while and I could name several who just shouldn't be allowed on this forum.
You're right, there are friends here and it sure is a forum. But is the foundation of AFF Apostolic? No, it isn't. I will say, though, that I'm happy with several of the Administration folks who I believe are standing for what's right and a couple that come to mind is MissBratfield and Praxeous.
For the purposes of this discussion, the term "Apostolic" is defined by the forum itself. Whether their definition is right or wrong, it is their definition.
Perhaps a change in the doctrinal statement and the forum name would be appropriate to express what the forum "is" rather than what the forum "was."
I'd support. At the least, a more PCI, broad-view.
That is your issue Socialite. This is what is wrong here.
There shoulbe be a debate about what "Being Apostolic" means on AFF.
There is a clear statment in the rules that has been posted in this thread as to what it means on AFF.
See? you dont like that and want to define it as something else. Have at it. just change the name to something else and be what you want to be.
By the way, the statement in the rules are broad enough to encompass both the Water Spirit folks as well as the Neo-PCI folks and everythign in between.
We all ought to be mature enough to recognize that while we dont agree with each other, all of these views are within a certain "orthodoxy" that we can live in peace and have civil debate about those differences.
Instead, we have full out attacks and charges of heritic/catholic/barean (sp) etc against anything that isnt saved at repentance and all who are christians are as apostolic as Verbal Bean.
Brother Ferd, I just want to jump in here and say that whenever I read the forum I like it when your around. You really need to post more, you stand for the truth of Gods Word and speak the truth in love. Keep it up, Brother!
Bro. Stout, I'm with you on this. I'm not here to make trouble or get in fights with anyone, but it isn't wrong at all to call things as they are. And this clearly has become a place where Apostolics are the ones being made fun of, ridiculted, mocked, and namecalled. I don't have trouble with honest conversation with someone who is interested in learning something about who and what Apostolics are, but there are many many people here who are not here to learn but to tear down the pentecostal faith. I've been lurking for a while and I could name several who just shouldn't be allowed on this forum.
You're right, there are friends here and it sure is a forum. But is the foundation of AFF Apostolic? No, it isn't. I will say, though, that I'm happy with several of the Administration folks who I believe are standing for what's right and a couple that come to mind is MissBratfield and Praxeous.
You hate to be challenged. You don't mind challenging others though.
Why would a person be disallowed, in your view, from the forum? A dissenting view?
But if that's the defined identity, that sounds quite narrow IMO.
Does the statement say we must believe that "tongues are essential for salvation?"
There is a phenomena, an experience that was described with the phrase "... evidenced by speaking in other tongues" that the founder of the Apostolic Faith Movement, Charles Fox Parham, had defined. He never associated this with "essential for salvation," nor did anyone until G. T. Haywood's "Water & Spirit" doctrine began to take hold; and even then, not even Haywood said it was "essential for salvation."
Those are simple facts. Our good friend Kyle Stout and others who pursue the "Three Stepper Way" to the exclusion of other believers represent a teaching that began only in the 1920s. You can't even find anything close to this teaching from 1913 on back to the creation of the world.