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Old 01-07-2008, 09:59 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Good Morning Ladies! It is a dreary day here. It is rainy (but warm!!) and I only got about 3 hours of sleep and the worst part is that my hubby left this morning to go to BOTT and he will not be back until Saturday. I hate it when he is gone especially for that long! And I am so spoiled with him helping me with the kids and around the house that I am truly going to be stressed by the end of the week and wore out!!! I dont sleep well when he is gone and then my lil 9 month old WEARES me out!!! She is quite a handful these days.

So, if you could please keep me in your prayers, I'm gonna need it!
ahhh sister, sorry. I know how hard it is to be alone, just glad its for a few day...can you go stay with your mom part of the time while he is gone...I will pray the week flies by and everything goes smoothly!
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Old 01-07-2008, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Good Morning Ladies! It is a dreary day here. It is rainy (but warm!!) and I only got about 3 hours of sleep and the worst part is that my hubby left this morning to go to BOTT and he will not be back until Saturday. I hate it when he is gone especially for that long! And I am so spoiled with him helping me with the kids and around the house that I am truly going to be stressed by the end of the week and wore out!!! I dont sleep well when he is gone and then my lil 9 month old WEARES me out!!! She is quite a handful these days.

So, if you could please keep me in your prayers, I'm gonna need it!
This is the hard part of being in the ministry. The wife has to work full time and be mom full time and can't get all the benefits of being in the ministry like taking off to Bott.

Hang in there!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 01-07-2008, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
This is the hard part of being in the ministry. The wife has to work full time and be mom full time and can't get all the benefits of being in the ministry like taking off to Bott.

Hang in there!
I know! It gets so frustrating! There are so many things to go to in one year and I only have so much vacation time!!! Maybe someday.........our district youth leader wanted him to go and work at the church camps this summer also and I was like "no way"!! There are enough events that we go to in a year and that he goes to on his own, until I am more free to go with him he has to draw the line!!!! LoL!!!! I don't think he really wanted to go anyways! We go this month before the board for him to get licensed....I am VERY nervous about that!!!
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Old 01-07-2008, 10:22 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Well now that I have a couple of minutes to post I guess I will LOL..

Its been a whirlwind week last week! Hubby got home on Christmas night so we had a nice relaxing Christmas week and then on Monday of last week all crazy broke loose LOL... The kids wanted to go here and there and everywhere and of course we let them LOL... they had a fun Christmas vacation and thats what we wanted! My daughter was really upset on New years tho because our son goes to the church school so he has a lot more interaction with our church youth especially his age and they all were having parties etc so he went and she felt pretty left out so we had our own little party here at the house NOT on new years but she still had fun. She was really missing all her friends from OKC so I sat down with her and made her take the time to call them all and she loved that. Seems like even the kids are so busy now days that they dont have time to just sit and do the fun stuff then we shopped yep... Then came home rented a movie and ate popcorn and had a blast!

My husband had some bible studies over the week and 3 of them were here in our house so we just kind of played all that by ear.. if we got our house fine if not we left and let him do his thing.. its all good its all for the Kingdom of God!

My dads house OH LORD let me tell ya... Its one thing to keep papers in case of a tax audit eventually but this man doesnt ever file long form much less well... He has more trees in his house then the yellowstone national forest!!!!! And I have been the one bestowed the honor of sorting out all them thar trees!! YAY ME!!! So I spent Tues Wed Thurs Fri oh nevermind... I spent most of last week over there doing that and since he has gone back to work this week I will be working the end part of the week (he is off every Wed Thurs Fri and Sat) over there every week until I get it done! I am on a roll cant stop now! I AM DETERMINED TO SHRED THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

So then yesterday hubby left for Ms to take the kiddo home and well guess what?!?!?! ROFL Yall dont all laugh at once... And nope not near as bad as times past but... gotta call the landlord! The water is a leakin... Yep Now this is weird because I have seen it happen where if you have a slow drip it will with time become bigger but... Wed morning we noticed our shower start to drip and not stop and by last night it was like it was running slow nuff to well... like a slow run to fill a tub!!!!!! So then if that wasnt enough! The kids tub stopped up and aint going no where! Its done this twice and fixed itself... we snaked it and everything and notta! And then I go out to my garage this morning and there is a small puddle of watah!!!!! OH mercy! And when the hubby leaves of course but............ Thats ok... AG can handle this too! I ask Oh Lord no drama like last year in Jesus Name!! But this is the kind of drama I can handle with confidence knowing........ HAR HAR ... the Landlord can fix this!

SO I am off to go do some more laundry and pretend to do my wifely duties even tho I am single wifemom for 2 weeks again...
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Old 01-08-2008, 08:53 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Well now that I have a couple of minutes to post I guess I will LOL..

Its been a whirlwind week last week! Hubby got home on Christmas night so we had a nice relaxing Christmas week and then on Monday of last week all crazy broke loose LOL... The kids wanted to go here and there and everywhere and of course we let them LOL... they had a fun Christmas vacation and thats what we wanted! My daughter was really upset on New years tho because our son goes to the church school so he has a lot more interaction with our church youth especially his age and they all were having parties etc so he went and she felt pretty left out so we had our own little party here at the house NOT on new years but she still had fun. She was really missing all her friends from OKC so I sat down with her and made her take the time to call them all and she loved that. Seems like even the kids are so busy now days that they dont have time to just sit and do the fun stuff then we shopped yep... Then came home rented a movie and ate popcorn and had a blast!

My husband had some bible studies over the week and 3 of them were here in our house so we just kind of played all that by ear.. if we got our house fine if not we left and let him do his thing.. its all good its all for the Kingdom of God!

My dads house OH LORD let me tell ya... Its one thing to keep papers in case of a tax audit eventually but this man doesnt ever file long form much less well... He has more trees in his house then the yellowstone national forest!!!!! And I have been the one bestowed the honor of sorting out all them thar trees!! YAY ME!!! So I spent Tues Wed Thurs Fri oh nevermind... I spent most of last week over there doing that and since he has gone back to work this week I will be working the end part of the week (he is off every Wed Thurs Fri and Sat) over there every week until I get it done! I am on a roll cant stop now! I AM DETERMINED TO SHRED THE TREES!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

So then yesterday hubby left for Ms to take the kiddo home and well guess what?!?!?! ROFL Yall dont all laugh at once... And nope not near as bad as times past but... gotta call the landlord! The water is a leakin... Yep Now this is weird because I have seen it happen where if you have a slow drip it will with time become bigger but... Wed morning we noticed our shower start to drip and not stop and by last night it was like it was running slow nuff to well... like a slow run to fill a tub!!!!!! So then if that wasnt enough! The kids tub stopped up and aint going no where! Its done this twice and fixed itself... we snaked it and everything and notta! And then I go out to my garage this morning and there is a small puddle of watah!!!!! OH mercy! And when the hubby leaves of course but............ Thats ok... AG can handle this too! I ask Oh Lord no drama like last year in Jesus Name!! But this is the kind of drama I can handle with confidence knowing........ HAR HAR ... the Landlord can fix this!

SO I am off to go do some more laundry and pretend to do my wifely duties even tho I am single wifemom for 2 weeks again...
Why is it as soon as the man of the house leaves something breaks down...it has happened to me more than once...no not while he is home, but as soon as he leaves! I don't have a landlord so I am on my own....he has to come home...and take care of the problem what ever it is....................

A paper work...I though computers were suppose to help that...I have tons of paper I have to dispose of, file or forward, or what ever every day/week/month/year...its such a pain, but you have to keep ...I think its at least 7 years back...!!!

I hope you got everything taken care of.....
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Old 01-09-2008, 06:22 AM
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Morning Ladies! I know, I am on here early today! Lol! I had to come in to work earlier than usual to open up the office so, here I am......still half asleep. I have had 2 cups of coffee and a diet dr pepper and I am still half asleep. This is a tough week with my hubby gone, I just don't sleep well neither do the dogs, they prance and whine all night long waiting for him to come home. I am ready for this week to be over and I still have 3 more nights to get through!!!! At least we are busy at work this week, it helps the days go by quickly. And I have 2 birthday parties to go to this weekend so one night this week I need to go out birthday shopping.....that will be fun! Jasmine birthday is next Saturday, she is so excited! She can't wait!!!! Of course she wants it all done in the Little Mermaid! Imagine that!
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:27 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Morning Ladies! I know, I am on here early today! Lol! I had to come in to work earlier than usual to open up the office so, here I am......still half asleep. I have had 2 cups of coffee and a diet dr pepper and I am still half asleep. This is a tough week with my hubby gone, I just don't sleep well neither do the dogs, they prance and whine all night long waiting for him to come home. I am ready for this week to be over and I still have 3 more nights to get through!!!! At least we are busy at work this week, it helps the days go by quickly. And I have 2 birthday parties to go to this weekend so one night this week I need to go out birthday shopping.....that will be fun! Jasmine birthday is next Saturday, she is so excited! She can't wait!!!! Of course she wants it all done in the Little Mermaid! Imagine that!

Sis.......I don't know what to say...imagine that me with nothing to say! I just feel for ya girl....
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:44 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Well we got a call from one of our heart sons last night and he is coming home later this month for a job interview, I hope it all works out....we are very excited, then talked to one of my heart daughters and she may be closer soon, ahhh it does my heart good to have all the babies come back to the nest...that is my heart speaking....first I want what is best for them, and God's will....and if means they will be closer to grandpa and grandma...well I am not one to complain.....NO WAY!

You may be asking what is a heart son or daughter, it is a person young enough to be my child, that has adopted us as grandma and grandpa, and some call us dad and mom....no blood relation, just through the blood of Christ, and our love for each other.

Well we are waiting for a break in the rain....if it stays dry this am, my hubby is going to ride the big beautiful new Harley we bought home!!! Otherwise it will be deliverd no later than Friday late in the day! This bike is so awesome, and it is sooooo comfortable!!!!!

I will post pics when we get it home and the sun comes out so you can hopefully see how beautiful the color is...oh my word....its awesome!!
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Old 01-09-2008, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
Well we got a call from one of our heart sons last night and he is coming home later this month for a job interview, I hope it all works out....we are very excited, then talked to one of my heart daughters and she may be closer soon, ahhh it does my heart good to have all the babies come back to the nest...that is my heart speaking....first I want what is best for them, and God's will....and if means they will be closer to grandpa and grandma...well I am not one to complain.....NO WAY!

You may be asking what is a heart son or daughter, it is a person young enough to be my child, that has adopted us as grandma and grandpa, and some call us dad and mom....no blood relation, just through the blood of Christ, and our love for each other.

Well we are waiting for a break in the rain....if it stays dry this am, my hubby is going to ride the big beautiful new Harley we bought home!!! Otherwise it will be deliverd no later than Friday late in the day! This bike is so awesome, and it is sooooo comfortable!!!!!

I will post pics when we get it home and the sun comes out so you can hopefully see how beautiful the color is...oh my word....its awesome!!
I can't wait to see pics!!!
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:47 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
I can't wait to see pics!!!
LOL...me too....spring and sunshine are going to be toooooo far away, I am going to be choppin at the bit to go riding, we don't like to ride in the rain, its just not safe, because of visibilty and slick roads, so we need at least some dry weather, I don't even need sunshine although it would be nice...but I do need dry!

I hope the camara will be able to catch the color well, this bike is so beautiful!!
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