Originally Posted by Ferd
it is cool here too but the rain stopped yesterday.
I am home with a sick little boy.
kid has had a sinus infection that turned into strep. which wasnt so bad as we were on meds and he was getting better.
then monday morning around 4 am he woke up with fever. yesterday it got to 104. we did the cold bath and a trip to the DR and now we have a virus on top of the strep.
Dan can be a nice distraction.
Oh, poor thing! I hate when the kids are sick - - you just feel so helpless and want them well!!!!
It seems that bug is really hard to kill this season - - many here have had several rounds of it with meds not helping and it just coming back.
My son had strep (about the age of little Ferd) and I got scarletina (sp) from it/him. I thought I was going to die - - I'd never been that sick in my life. My mom had to come up to St. Louis to take care of him because I was so sick.
Enjoy the distraction!
Maybe in our new debate area The Dan and The Tim can have a REAL debate!! We COULD charge for that!