Originally Posted by warrior
What did I say that confused you, Brother Sam?
We are still debating hair and head coverings even on this forum. However, Bishop Johnson taught things like a woman must have her head covered at all times, no chemicals in the hair, cotton stockings, can't wear certain colors, a particular skirt lenght.
Sam, these are things you know about already. You are very familiar with Bishop Johnson's teachings.
I was just kidding.
I knew he taught head covering and long dresses, also cotton hose.
But, I don't remember hearing or reading anything he had to say about hair length on women. Ordinarily among African Americans hair length on women is not an issue nor is facial hair on men.
In PAW and PCAF churches around here African American women wear their hair short. In UPC and ALJC white women wear their hair short enough to manage but long enough to look "Pentecostal." From what I understand, the UPC does not enforce the "hair" issue outside the United States.