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Old 08-25-2018, 09:24 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Prove it. Post copies of your record. Otherwise, you should be banned for stolen valor.
Stolen valor is a federal crime.
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:28 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I have been part of ultra conservative independent churches. I have NEVER, not one single time, heard any minister or even any brother say that wearing a beard will send a man to hell, or is a sin. I had a pastor straight up tell me "There's no Bible for it, but it's just more holy." I had another pastor tell me, regarding a visitor we had been having at the church who had a mustache and sometimes a beard, that "when he gets the Holy Ghost, he'll understand, we let God deal with people on His own time". This last was probably THE most ultra-conservative pastor I have personally known. We're talking short sleeves = trip to hell. But he never said that about beards, and never even preached about facial hair.

I think the issue of "rebellion" comes into the discussion when we have 1)pastor wants the men to be clean shaven, 2)Brother so and so doesn't shave, so 3)Brother so and so is intentionally rebelling against pastoral authority, and therefore 4)Brother so and so is in rebellion, and 5)Brother so and so is on a slippery slope that will lead to backsliding and ultimately be lost unless he gets his priorities right.

There may indeed be preachers out there who proclaimed loud and clear "beards are sinful and any man with facial hair is on the way to a devil's hell". But *I* never met such a preacher.

Calling people liars who are only saying THEY NEVER HEARD SUCH PREACHING is pretty low, in my opinion.
I have no way of knowing what someone else has or hasn’t heard. I don’t believe I’ve called anybody a liar but you may not be talking to me.

However I do remember a time when EB said he never heard anybody who taught that failing to tithe was a salvation issue. I believe him. But just because he has never heard it doesn’t mean that I haven’t. When he listened to the message of Brother Greg Riggen that was posted by 1ofthechosen he heard something that he had never heard before. A preacher saying you would go to hell for not tithing.

This may be more of the same is what I’m saying. That’s all.
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:31 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I have been part of ultra conservative independent churches. I have NEVER, not one single time, heard any minister or even any brother say that wearing a beard will send a man to hell, or is a sin. I had a pastor straight up tell me "There's no Bible for it, but it's just more holy." I had another pastor tell me, regarding a visitor we had been having at the church who had a mustache and sometimes a beard, that "when he gets the Holy Ghost, he'll understand, we let God deal with people on His own time". This last was probably THE most ultra-conservative pastor I have personally known. We're talking short sleeves = trip to hell. But he never said that about beards, and never even preached about facial hair.

I think the issue of "rebellion" comes into the discussion when we have 1)pastor wants the men to be clean shaven, 2)Brother so and so doesn't shave, so 3)Brother so and so is intentionally rebelling against pastoral authority, and therefore 4)Brother so and so is in rebellion, and 5)Brother so and so is on a slippery slope that will lead to backsliding and ultimately be lost unless he gets his priorities right.

There may indeed be preachers out there who proclaimed loud and clear "beards are sinful and any man with facial hair is on the way to a devil's hell". But *I* never met such a preacher.

Calling people liars who are only saying THEY NEVER HEARD SUCH PREACHING is pretty low, in my opinion.
I respect that and that what you just said is how the whole story is told most the time. Because like you said there is always exceptions to the rule. But thats just so unbiblical to say a thing like that, he would lose his flock making crazy claims like that. There's so much to preach in the Bible that will send someone to hell, what's the need to go and preach something there is not one drop of proof to it. Most I've heard that even mention it will tell you I have no Bible for it. Your right it has nothing to do with the beard or the facial hair in and of itself, it's the attitude I'm going to do it my way in this church no matter who likes it that will get you.

Honestly there is so many options there is no excuse for the weekly barrage of this. But hey that horse still got one drop of blood left so hit it with the stick I guess..

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Old 08-25-2018, 09:32 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Sister Alvear you should ask Brother Jonathan Alvear because he preaches on it harder then anyone I've heard. He's going to make a reference to it in almost every message. I respect him too, he preaches it straight. Although I've never heard him say it was a sin, or going to send anyone to hell.

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Old 08-25-2018, 09:34 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
I have no way of knowing what someone else has or hasn’t heard. I don’t believe I’ve called anybody a liar but you may not be talking to me.

However I do remember a time when EB said he never heard anybody who taught that failing to tithe was a salvation issue. I believe him. But just because he has never heard it doesn’t mean that I haven’t. When he listened to the message of Brother Greg Riggen that was posted by 1ofthechosen he heard something that he had never heard before. A preacher saying you would go to hell for not tithing.

This may be more of the same is what I’m saying. That’s all.
Oh, I have no doubt there is a preacher somewhere telling his three parishioners that "beards are of the devil and if'n you got one yer on the way to the lake o' FAAAAAAAAHRRRRRR!!!"

I just never met him.
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:35 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
I have no way of knowing what someone else has or hasn’t heard. I don’t believe I’ve called anybody a liar but you may not be talking to me.

However I do remember a time when EB said he never heard anybody who taught that failing to tithe was a salvation issue. I believe him. But just because he has never heard it doesn’t mean that I haven’t. When he listened to the message of Brother Greg Riggen that was posted by 1ofthechosen he heard something that he had never heard before. A preacher saying you would go to hell for not tithing.

This may be more of the same is what I’m saying. That’s all.
He didn't say you would go to hell for not tithing that's a lie. He said you would go to hell for.robbing God. Which if stealing is against the 10 commandments, how much more if you love Him will you not Rob Him, make you a transgressor. That too was also a attitude and cause and effect. Not just you don't pay your tithes once and oh well I'm going to hell. That is not even how it went.

No need to answer, I already know you don't agree but it's right anyway.

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Old 08-25-2018, 09:38 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
He didn't say you would go to hell for not tithing that's a lie. He said you would go to hell for.robbing God. Which if stealing is against the 10 commandments, how much more if you love Him will you not Rob Him, make you a transgressor. That too was also a attitude and cause and effect. Not just you don't pay your tithes once and oh well I'm going to hell. That is not even how it went.

No need to answer, I already know you don't agree but it's right anyway.
Perhaps I’m remembering wrong. Brother EB how was it said?
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:38 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Bro, a beard on or off is the least of your problems.

There you go with everything you went through. Every man's burden is the heaviest. Hey, want to talk about manning up? Get over all your stuff and move on. Because you are like the Dying Gaul, a tragic figure, we all stand around and just look as he dies. It's drama, plain and simple, but you haven't gone through anything worse than anyone else here. If you are still swimming in it, then it is your own choosing. Jesus wants to take it from you. You just choose to continue in the troff with the pods and the slop. Someone told you you were going to hell because you had a beard? Then get over it. Seriously, move on.
He should have visited with me in Bryan, Tx. I walked into the sanctuary and BAM! The pastor got away from his teaching, got to preaching. “Man Up” pretty much sums it up. Right, chosen?

To man up you have to grow up. And if a man doesn’t want to grow up he will find every reason- excuse not to. Victim mentality stunts growth.

Pastor Brian Jones lost his son years ago. The boy was so young. He went on to say that he’s not the only one to lose a child.
My words here. My rendition... Though it hurt, it wasn’t something he was going to let affect him in a way where he was going to be a victim. He could have let it take over his life. He could have put up a tent and camped there. But he had to move on.
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:39 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Oh, I have no doubt there is a preacher somewhere telling his three parishioners that "beards are of the devil and if'n you got one yer on the way to the lake o' FAAAAAAAAHRRRRRR!!!"

I just never met him.

That is so funny!!!
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Old 08-25-2018, 09:40 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
Perhaps I’m remembering wrong. Brother EB how was it said?
No. Pretty accurate.
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