Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
You really think none of that effects you today?
You don't think facing all that abuse and bullying might have a little to do with the fact that you come across nigh constantly as cold, hard, abusive and bullying in here to anyone who you disagree with and who dare challenge your position on issues?
I was warned that if I posted my testimony about my childhood (which is even longer that what I posted)

. That disgruntled individual who had an argument with me would post a rimshot. They even said how you would post. Now mind you they weren't prophesying, they just know me, and cranky people who I disagree with on"positions on issues" You should of left that out of your post. It would of been way better, but, you couldn't help yourself.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
And just as you got too big and hardened to reprimand in real life, you brush off any criticism or reprimand here as well.
I'm sorry, you misunderstood my words. It wasn't correction of discipline that even normal secular human beings dole out to their young people. No, too big is that was weightlifting, since a young age, big was stature, hardened was that the customary punch from a grown man was easily blocked, or restrained. I wasn't a little child anymore who needed stitches after an altercation.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
I'm no psychologist...
But of course, you are most certainly psychologist. The only difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. Is medical school, and the ability to place you on meds. But you are just could take courses, and get all the paperwork to be a counselor. You could tell me all about how I should be more like you, or people you believe are good citizens. How they behave is how I should behave, or maybe I should agree to disagree, because I hold such extreme "positions on issues" Anyway, thank you for your consistency I now have to tell the individual that they were 100% correct.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
but your post does explain a whole lot. Just further proves the truth: hurt people hurt people.
Because I disagree with people with a whole lot of sarcasm? But let's proceed with your observations.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
I have read your posts for years and it always struck me how you could have so many tools in your repertoire, so many strengths and qualities, yet kindness and gentleness never seemed to be demonstrated.
Never? You been reading my postings for years, and never?
Please proceed.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
Your ongoing feud with Aquila being of the utmost examples. This post goes a great length to explaining though.
I gotta tell you, they would be even better in person, just ask T K Burk or anyone who knows me.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
While not physical, you abuse just as you were abused. But because it isn't physical; you aren't burning hands or knocking men unconscious or smashing chairs on people in forums, you don't seem to see any lines crossed or abuses happen with the way you approach and confront disagreement here. But because it isn't physical; you aren't burning hands or knocking men unconscious or smashing chairs on people in forums, you don't seem to see any lines crossed or abuses happen with the way you approach and confront disagreement here.
No, because if I abused anyone like I was, verbally in posts? There would be absolutely no way I would of remained this long posting. It is virtually impossible. The thing is this, haters love coming to forums and butchering the beliefs of those who the forum is originally dedicated. This forum had evolved into a literal shark tank after Brother Yohe's sister ended up making it "dogpile" on the old time Pentecostal. I allow my strong opinions to be made known. I don't ever tolerate anyone slamming Apostolics especially when they do it with so much glee. You don't like that?
So, my next question would be what about you? Some idiot makes the huge mistake of telling their testimony of when they were a young defenseless child, me being dragged screaming, and relieving myself as my hand started to burn. Yet, you took that as an opportunity to do as claim I conduct myself here? You must of loved coming across the story of me getting knocked unconscious as a child, because now you can run with it, you finally had me, you were going to prove that I am a devil with clothes on? Sorry, but I in all my years in a forum would never use the abuse of someone's childhood. Especially if the person was mistreated to the same degree as I. Oh, did you happen to notice Aquila's reply to me? He started with he was sorry for what I went through. Listen, that doesn't bother me, because I understand how forums work. I have been here for ever. But, I look at it this way, at least you were very happy while you posted all this to me.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
Of course that's not to say one cannot be healed of the wounds.
So, do you feel that you helped me heal tonight? Is this how you get it done. You do what you say I do? No, you found an opportunity and you use it. No foul, as is well with me. Just be careful that what you do in private never comes out in public.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
You are correct 100% in that regard. But if you don't even realize you need it, can you be healed?
Wow, you weren't trying to get me healed? No way. That was a waste of a post.
Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
I think the scars of your abusive childhood go deeper and still effect more than you think sir. Just my opinion of course. I'm just a nobody on a forum.
No you are a psychologist.