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11-10-2016, 09:12 AM
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
Thank you I missed something in reading the definition on the Jewish day.
The day as in the 24 hour period started at sundown (about 6pm) and runs to 6pm the next "day". But when speaking of hours, it's different.
Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
There are hours of the Day and hours of the night.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Last edited by mfblume; 11-10-2016 at 10:37 AM.
11-10-2016, 10:44 AM
On the road less traveled
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by shazeep
Word was a lot of other things too, K, and with all the tools at our disposal now, you might go review all the other instances of Word in the Book, if you like, and then go see if you can find me counseling anything other than finding Word, ok, which you are trying to make Jesus into Book now, just like Book is God to you already, only you cannot even read the Book i guess, wadr, or you would not be saying what you are saying, essentially "...and the Bible was God," only just now in the flesh.
I went and looked at your link you provided in bible hub about in the beginning was the Word. I did not see anything there in scripture that would contradict that Jesus, who is the Word made flesh, and His words given to men, would contradict each other. Unless of course, you don't believe Jesus is God, and that it was God speaking throughout the OT, and not Jesus.
Originally Posted by shazeep
Seems to me that if i cannot convince you, who claim to be of the Book, of a simple thing like "The Book is not the Word,"
Here you are - saying you are trying to convince me.... Why? Do you believe you know something special and more than I? Do you see the hypocrisy in this? You just said you are trying to convince me, where in other places, you say you are not.
Originally Posted by shazeep
So where am i washing that away? I never said don't get baptized in water
So then, please do say... baptism in water is necessary. If you believe, then say it.
Originally Posted by shazeep
I said that maybe, there's a time at some point in your walk to see that you might get what you're after, that mansion in that far away place they pointed out to you.
Whatever the Lord has prepared for us after death, will be wonderful. Mansions, to me, is not even what we perceive it to be, here on earth. I agree with you on that. Whatever the Lord meant by 'mansions', surely won't resemble anything here on earth. At least that is my humble take on the matter.
Originally Posted by shazeep
Well, i keep asking for these denials of mine, where are they, these witnesses of unwilling to acknowledge, but i don't ever get answers here, to those questions, do i, and i don't expect i'll be answering this one, either. But boy, if i have a question here about something that no one has a clue, not the first clue, clue 1, about, i get pages of answers then, if you don't mind my saying so.
If i have given you these impressions some where, and they are not what i meant, then wadr it is on you, if you seek an answer, to give an answer, i guess. So show me unwilling, or even the Gospel of Jesus, i didn't know He wrote any Gospel, and funny, His Apostles didn't either. Huh. You'd think maybe people would get a clue, about that. Especially if their god was the Book. Wouldn't you?
So you're miffed that Jesus himself didn't write something for us to hold tangibly in our hands? Sorry, but we don't get to tell God what He can or should have done. So 3 (Matthew, John, Peter) out of the 12 happened to be ones who did write down narratives, the others did not, nothing unusual about that, so there were 3 writers out of the 12. It is what it is.
It is more in what you don't say that speaks, and while you do say a lot, the closest I have heard you affirm what you believe is written a few posts above.
Let me ask you this directly.
Is the gospel the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus? (repentance, water baptism, spirit baptism)?
11-10-2016, 10:45 AM
On the road less traveled
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by mfblume
The day as in the 24 hour period started at sundown (about 6pm) and runs to 6pm the next "day". But when speaking of hours, it's different.
Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
There are hours of the Day and hours of the night.
Good point, clarified well!
11-10-2016, 01:35 PM
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
I went and looked at your link you provided in bible hub about in the beginning was the Word. I did not see anything there in scripture that would contradict that Jesus, who is the Word made flesh, and His words given to men, would contradict each other. Unless of course, you don't believe Jesus is God, and that it was God speaking throughout the OT, and not Jesus.
that is because the contradiction is not there, but is in "In the beginning was the Bible, and the Bible was with God, and the Bible was God," and not with Christ being the Word.
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Here you are - saying you are trying to convince me.... Why? Do you believe you know something special and more than I? Do you see the hypocrisy in this? You just said you are trying to convince me, where in other places, you say you are not.
then BAM continue to believe that "In the beginning was the Bible, and the Bible was with God, and the Bible was God."
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
So then, please do say... baptism in water is necessary. If you believe, then say it.
Baptism in water is completely unnecessary, and makes Baptism now your other god, and you have no Witness for this one either, peace be to you.
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Whatever the Lord has prepared for us after death, will be wonderful. Mansions, to me, is not even what we perceive it to be, here on earth. I agree with you on that. Whatever the Lord meant by 'mansions', surely won't resemble anything here on earth. At least that is my humble take on the matter.
which completely ignores the point, once again, this time being that there are no mansions, they are not in there, and you cannot find them, no matter how hard you seek. Unless you read Queen James really really fast, and don't ask any questions, or iow "seek." and this is precisely why your religion discourages questions, just like Catholics are discouraged from even reading the Bible, which would frankly be more to the "believer's" advantage, because you now have to deprogram, whereas they have only installed human bias on the physical level, from "church," and you also have it in your "reading."
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
So you're miffed that Jesus himself didn't write something for us to hold tangibly in our hands? Sorry, but we don't get to tell God what He can or should have done. So 3 (Matthew, John, Peter) out of the 12 happened to be ones who did write down narratives, the others did not, nothing unusual about that, so there were 3 writers out of the 12. It is what it is.
you characterize me as miffed, just like i was improperly characterized as having a "bad experience" at the Baptist church, and i have been previously characterized as having "bad experiences" in OP churches, when frankly, as amazing and improbable as this might sound to any reader with any experience whatsoever with OPs, i never did. have any bad experiences, that is. Uniformly wonderful, straight down the line. I guess there must be something wrong with me or something? K, do you know that people pay THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to deprogram from what you are enmeshed in? Just sayin.
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
It is more in what you don't say that speaks, and while you do say a lot, the closest I have heard you affirm what you believe is written a few posts above.
Let me ask you this directly.
Is the gospel the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus? (repentance, water baptism, spirit baptism)?
Please note that i don't owe you anything, ok, and i get no answers to my questions, i get evasions, and jokes, and i get stoned.
So, to answer you, no, of course it is not, and i know what verse you have waiting in the wings, to bash me over the head with, K. Now bring it, so you can once again get spanked, hoist on your own petard, like every other example that you promptly dropped like a hot rock, as soon as it no longer suited your purpose. Mmmkay? Show me your Witness, K, let's just see what it really says, even though you are proving that you do not care.
Because even though the Bible is your God, that is being way too generous, and it is better put that the bible is your god, no questions asked, and i was just trying to be polite, ok? Now go bring your bought and paid for witness, K, so i can once again prove to all what a stinking, rotten liar he is, just like last time, and the time before that, and all of the other times before that, when i was still being nice; but you wanna be ............, and cover murderers, and make fun of me, so fine.
Last edited by shazeep; 11-10-2016 at 01:40 PM.
11-10-2016, 09:03 PM
On the road less traveled
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Location: On a mountain... somewhere
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Shaz, our conversation has reached a dead end.
Go ahead and believe whatever it is you believe.
11-10-2016, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by shazeep
hey! that's what i been sayin too!
K, when you manifest Book from Word eklectrons move down in their orbits, which that was an unintentional mis-spelling but i guess i'm sposed to leave it? whatever, anyway, Book was Breathed from Word ok you aren't going to lose your Book you are going to find It.
"i do not know what i am talking about" means believe nothing you hear, especially if you heard it from me, that does not fit with your own understanding, and common sense. it is us who reap what we sow.You are reaping fine just like you are. every person who reads this. you are a little tree in the sun, unclench. you are, right now, drawing nourishment from your surroundings, and growing just fine. if you were to go grab a gallon of water, and empty your pockets and walk out your front door, and set down the water, and just step out into the air, and don't come back til you crave silence, and go to wherever you are led, trusting God, you will get to a new place. if you can't do that, right now, for 90 days (then what does that tell you), then do it for 30 days. if you can't do it for 30, do it for 3
Leave town
water baptism not required? "BLASPHEMY" etc...
it is completely symbolic, and if one's belief system includes ritual water baptism and that has meaning for them, then that is what they should do. But consider Who we are talking about here, K, Whose Ways are not our ways; and go read that verse now with the understanding that "water" baptism occurs when you are born, too, and after all we are talking about The Creator ok. C'mon. there are like at least 3 baptisms, and none of them are rituals imo
Don't be deceived, little children, those who do right, are right.
You have no basis to consider a practicing Muslim, who has been instructed to follow Christ or be doomed, and to eschew violence--which believe me we put them to shame there; your kids videos would freak them out--who hasn't gotten a water baptism ritual as you understand it, lost. I'll tell you what is lost there and that goes for anyone else you witness fruit unto repentance from and you know what? even if you aren't, how th is that sposed to alter your witness, even a little bit? what are you going to say when you are called to account for this? do you not understand Christ's most basic instruction? Love your neighbor as yourself? Means he gets to pick his, too, and don't judge another man's servant, and judge by the fruit, not appearances, hello, and look at your self funding perpetual war on the other side of the planet. that isn't any kind of picture for you? What is the matter with...no, a person does not have to get baptized according to your custom to gain a majik ticket to a mansion in the sky ok. but i don't hope you get the mansion; i have a feeling you might. :/
God is funny like that
step out on the breath, K
think nest
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Is the gospel the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus? (repentance, water baptism, spirit baptism)?
the Gospel is the Word
Last edited by shazeep; 11-10-2016 at 10:46 PM.
11-11-2016, 07:44 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Shaz, our conversation has reached a dead end.
Go ahead and believe whatever it is you believe.
Sis, you are dealing with obsessive behavior.
Sad to watch it go down on a forum.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
11-11-2016, 08:52 AM
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Re: What is the GOSPEL?
you get to decide where your eyes are focused, EB
11-11-2016, 09:26 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Posts: 40,294
Re: What is the GOSPEL?
Originally Posted by shazeep
you get to decide where your eyes are focused, EB
I focus on Christ, you focus on vice.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
11-11-2016, 10:18 AM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: chasin Grace
Posts: 9,594
Re: What is the GOSPEL?
so, then, hhhhh, then bring me your Witness, to this "vice," bring it here, instead of just empty-accusing, and we will see then, ok
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