Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Do you think there is a possibility of a Trump/Palin ticket?
I'm not prepared to give the nomination to Trump.
Sarah received a lot of backlash over her endorsement. We don't have to overthink this, Sarah was burned by the GOP in 2008 and she is playing - Gotcha back.
But to the point, this is Donald Trump via Ben Shapiro who nails it:
"Wrap your head around this folks: Donald Trump is the great unifying force within the Republican Party. Trump has exploited conservative rage against the Establishment to achieve conservative support; he's exploited Establishment rage against conservatives to achieve Establishment support. Trump is all things to all people - and, in reality, nothing to any of these groups. He isn't conservative. He isn't fully Establishment. Trump is simply Trump, a politician of convenience who swivels, with full sincerity, on a dime. And it's working."
I would only add that it is working for those who are not clearly paying attention, and that if you are not conservative, you are Establishment. You can't be both.
It was astonishing that Jerry Falwell, Jr. said that we are not looking for a Sunday School teacher. What does that tell us as to where the church is today? His statement goes along with a poster I engaged with who said, "People aren't following nor supporting Trump because of his values." WUT?
And the beat goes on...