Re: The problem with the UPCI
Originally Posted by Praxeas
No the problem is we divide and reform and isolate. That is why we are so anemic.
We divide over small issues and greater issues. We divide because one group attempts to force everyone else to agree or leave
Sounds like every ecumenical council since the start of 325 A.D.
Also Islam has it schisms. Buddhism, and a plethora in hinduism.
Judaism is made up of schisms. Because the Judaism of the Bible cease to exist in 70 A.D.. Therefore it had to be modified to become a religion that no longer needed to be centrally located around its temple. Also needed to get around the need of genealogies and lineages. Becoming more like its Christian counterparts.
The UPCI also goes through the same changes as the other religions. Would be interesting to see how it will look in 100 years from now?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence