Originally Posted by coadie
You repeat the "Can't yell fire" line several times a day. You have no logical argument by misapplying that line. It is a false analogy. The Jones is not yelling fire.
If one yells "FIRE" in a crowded building he endangers life. Therefore it's illegal.
This pastor is yelling, "FIRE! ISLAM IS DANGEROUS. I'LL BURN A KORAN AND WATCH WHAT THEY DO!", his statement is unnecessary and endangers the lives of our troops, lives of our citizens, and the military mission at hand. Generals on the ground are already warning the President that this man's actions will endanger troops. This isn't just my opinion opinion. It's official reports from leaders ON THE GROUND.
Your call to have him tossed in jail is an ugly method used in Russia and China to silence and punish pastors.
Wrong again.
With Generals reporting from the ground that this man endangers their mission it's a national security risk. That means the government is OBLIGATED to act. I propose we arrest him and detain him. He has the right to an attorney. Let him get his attorney and argue legally that he is using his "freedom of speech". Let the government present the case that it is an issue of national security. Then let the court decide. It's the system. You're saying the system should do nothing and this man has cart blanch right to inflame our enemy, endanger troops, citizens, and the mission we're militarily engaged in. You're the raging liberal here who supports endangering troops, citizens, and our military mission on the ground. You're supporting a man whose actions are a national security risk to the United States in our war against the radical extremists. So don't play that card. You'll only reveal yourself.
If this were WWII and our troops were engaging Hitler and this man wanted to do something that could endanger the mission... he'd most likely already be arrested and in a camp in Arizona somewhere counseling with his attorney. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right. I'm not saying he does. I'm saying let the system take it to the courts and Constitutionally determine if he has the right to endanger national security with his so called "freedom of speech".
Burning a book endangers no one. No one. Ignorant arguments are big these days.
You’re wrong.
Brother, Generals and Commanders on the ground are alarmed and concerned that this endangers troops and the mission. Agencies throughout the U.S. are on heightened alerts due to various threats of reprisal (hoping they are not creditable). You’re “poo-pooing” this. The authorities are not.
Wake up Coadie. Again, to you this is just a debate. I don’t think you’ll care unless some “loose nutcase” is enraged by this and hurts or kills someone you know. At least, that’s the way you’re talking here. For those of us with friends and loved ones on the battlefield, and are concerned about security here at home… this is rather disturbing.
Aviation security doesn't teach law classes to the pretend half cops.
You have no idea Coadie. No idea. The FBI and various agencies are already briefing security personnel on the issue.
That’s really all I can say.