I really dont understand why this is even an issue. the Imam in question is a bad guy. He is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood (really bad guys) and he wants Israel reduced to rubble.
He has also indicated in some ways that islamic terror is understandable.
any one of those things should be enough for us to simply draw a line in the sand. evidently it isnt.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Rush made a good point today, although, I think he was quoting someone else. I didn't catch the name.
He said that a CNN poll is saying that 27% of Americans do not believe that Obama was born in the US. BTW, that is up from 11% last year.
He also said a CNN poll says that 29% of Americans want to have the NYC mosque built.
Soooooo, if you call the birthers kooks (27%), why not call the ones that want the mosque built (29%) kooks also? The percentage are so close - why not?
Most American intuitively know these things are true, however we are paralyzed by political correctness and the ravings of the liberal left.
Yes, liberal leftness, truly is a mental disease!!
It's this Michael Savage irrationality that concerns me.
Please don't mistake my position, or other's you see as "leftist" as being one that doesn't take serious the security of the nation.
But if you think the government should go on a Muslim-hunting expedition, you aren't being consistent with your small government, Constitution Party principles. Be aware and level-headed. It is possible to do both.
I really dont understand why this is even an issue. the Imam in question is a bad guy. He is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood (really bad guys) and he wants Israel reduced to rubble.
He has also indicated in some ways that islamic terror is understandable.
any one of those things should be enough for us to simply draw a line in the sand. evidently it isnt.
It is for me.
But the idealogy I'm encountering on AFF and other social settings is not one of logically explaining a position. It is "Muslims are evil. Muslims should be kicked out of the country. Muslims should not have terror camps next to 9/11." That's literally the non-sense I'm hearing. Even with those who attempt to articulate, their prejudices and phobias are glaring.
Level-headed, pragmatic, sincere.... what happened to those sort of Conservatives?
At the end of the day, I for one am not suggesting that this Mosque is a good idea. I know that something can be a right but not the right thing. In looking at the characters at play here, I see how this is that much more provocative. What I'm not is on a Crusade against Muslims. I still believe in the rule of law.
But the idealogy I'm encountering on AFF and other social settings is not one of logically explaining a position. It is "Muslims are evil. Muslims should be kicked out of the country. Muslims should not have terror camps next to 9/11." That's literally the non-sense I'm hearing. Even with those who attempt to articulate, their prejudices and phobias are glaring.
Level-headed, pragmatic, sincere.... what happened to those sort of Conservatives?
At the end of the day, I for one am not suggesting that this Mosque is a good idea. I know that something can be a right but not the right thing. In looking at the characters at play here, I see how this is that much more provocative. What I'm not is on a Crusade against Muslims. I still believe in the rule of law.
I dont have any real problem with your logic here. My initial reaction was to side with the ideal of FREEDOM of religion. The more i look at the issue, the less it is about that and the more it is about this particular group is RADICAL.
We do have a problem with a lot of people just going the "all muslims are evil" direction. we gotta get past that.
But at the same time, we have to take some long hard looks at those who want to do provocative things like this.
The Muslim Brotherhood is after Sharia Law in America and they fully intend to use our liberty and openness against us to get what they want.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
New York has battled against the rebuilding of a Greek orthodox church at ground Zero.
St. Nicholas, a four-story church, became a symbol of resilience after it was destroyed, with George E. Pataki, then the governor, and Archbishop Demetrios, primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, vowing that it would rise again.
I dont have any real problem with your logic here. My initial reaction was to side with the ideal of FREEDOM of religion. The more i look at the issue, the less it is about that and the more it is about this particular group is RADICAL.
We do have a problem with a lot of people just going the "all muslims are evil" direction. we gotta get past that.
But at the same time, we have to take some long hard looks at those who want to do provocative things like this.
The Muslim Brotherhood is after Sharia Law in America and they fully intend to use our liberty and openness against us to get what they want.
Imam Rauf's wife, Daisy Kahn, was in an interview with Laura Ingram saying that they are sick of everyone thinking that they are radical and not moderate and wanting peace. They want to use the mosque to prove that.
Now, with the information about Rauf, how in the world can we separate "all" muslims. Someone is going to have to step up and make us believe something.
I can't recall the Muslim woman's name that was interviewed recently (might have posted it on this thread) saying the mosque was not a good idea and then calls Mayor Bloomberg a "liberal white" something or other. LOL! For her to use the terms "liberal" and "white" tells you she has another set of racial issues.
So, tell me, where in the world are the moderates? It's like a Waldo picture. I'm still looking, because I don't really believe it.
Here is a taste of some quotes from the mouth of Rauf as translated from the Arabic by Walid. More will come when I interview him for PJTV tomorrow.
“People asked me right after the 9/11 attack as to why do movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names? Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ or ‘Hamas’ or ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’? I answer them this—that the trend towards Islamic law and justice begins in religious movements, because secularism had failed to deliver what the Muslim wants, which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
“The only law that the Muslim needs exists already in the Koran and the Hadith.”
Say good-bye to that fuddy-concept, the separation of church and state. But wait, there’s more….
“I do not believe in religious dialogue … this phrase is inaccurate. Religious dialogue as is customarily understood is a set of events with discussions in large hotels that result in nothing. Religions do not dialogue and dialogue is not present in the attitudes of the followers regardless of being Muslim or Christian.”
If religious dialogue results in nothing, as Rauf says — an arguable premise, I suppose — then why build a mosque by Ground Zero to promote such dialogue? Or does Imam Rauf have something else in mind? Frankly, I don’t know. But neither, I can assure you, does Michael Bloomberg. As for Barack Obama, well … I leave that one to the readers.
MZ Kahn is helping put on a face or front. Why is her head and face uncovered? No submission?
Imam Rauf's wife, Daisy Kahn, was in an interview with Laura Ingram saying that they are sick of everyone thinking that they are radical and not moderate and wanting peace. They want to use the mosque to prove that.
Now, with the information about Rauf, how in the world can we separate "all" muslims. Someone is going to have to step up and make us believe something.
I can't recall the Muslim woman's name that was interviewed recently (might have posted it on this thread) saying the mosque was not a good idea and then calls Mayor Bloomberg a "liberal white" something or other. LOL! For her to use the terms "liberal" and "white" tells you she has another set of racial issues.
So, tell me, where in the world are the moderates? It's like a Waldo picture. I'm still looking, because I don't really believe it.
I honestly dont know. they arent exactly standing up and yelling "Here I am"
I was listening to the GREAT Bill Bennet this morning and he had a guest on who is doing a lot of research on this Mosque and opposes it because Rauf is a radical.
He stated that he does not oppose it because it is muslim and named several Muslims who teach pluralism and peace. he said if these guys (by name) were building the mosque the would be fine with it.
But he also said the guy doing this is following the long line of tradition where muslims build mosques on sites of "victory" or to stick it in the eye of the infadel.
Rauf is a bad guy. i dont know where the good guys are but this one aint it.
PS, I am sorry for all the misspelled words. I am not Spell Checking today!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I honestly dont know. they arent exactly standing up and yelling "Here I am"
I was listening to the GREAT Bill Bennet this morning and he had a guest on who is doing a lot of research on this Mosque and opposes it because Rauf is a radical.
He stated that he does not oppose it because it is muslim and named several Muslims who teach pluralism and peace. he said if these guys (by name) were building the mosque the would be fine with it.
But he also said the guy doing this is following the long line of tradition where muslims build mosques on sites of "victory" or to stick it in the eye of the infadel.
Rauf is a bad guy. i dont know where the good guys are but this one aint it.
PS, I am sorry for all the misspelled words. I am not Spell Checking today!
Well, the American people with be up in arms with this until a better showing is put forth. I don't see it happening.
We had a local gasoline station taken over by a Muslim. His business is way down. The clerk followed our pastor outside and said, because they know him well, "I can't talk inside, they have the place bugged, but business is way down."
Another station was taken over close to where my husband works. One of his friends told him that he went inside and the manager asked him why he thought business was so down. He said, "Well, first of all, this place stinks!" LOL!