Originally Posted by Rico
I seriously doubt anyone is ever going to be able to explain exactly how it is that God overshadowed Mary and impregnated her. Trying to explain this would be like trying to explain how God did and does any of the things He did and does. How did He speak the world into existence? How did He create man out of dust? These are all questions we're not going to know the answers to and are going to fail miserably at explaining.
You're correct to a considerable point there. The incarnation - however it was achieved - is a remarkable undertaking theologically as well as from a naturalistic standpoint. By its very nature it is difficult to grasp in its entirety.
However, we are told certain things about the incarnation.
1. That the Child would be physically descended from Abraham, David and others of that lineage. This necessitates that whatever was human about him had to be genetically linked to other human beings - and ultimately linked to us all. (
Luke 1:69 and
Genesis 22:18 with
Galatians 3:16).
2. That God hath not flesh and bones (
Luke 24:39 and
John 4:24 and
1 Timothy 1:17).
Hebrews 2:14 says that whatever it is that we are that makes us human - He partook of the same.