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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 02-15-2008, 11:20 AM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by S.D. Pullen View Post
WHATS IT MATTER???? It is evident that most of you guys did not and will not join, so whats the big deal if 72 or 772 joined. You know these forums are becoming alot like gossip stations. I preach against gossip at my local church. It seems to me some of you may be a little worried about what actually happens in Tulsa. Just for your information I did go to Tulsa and I did Join. I do not know how many more joined for sure neither do I care. Some of you are letting out some concerns in your post about the number of Men who may have joined the WPF. I think the reason you are so caught up on how many may have joined is not because you actually care but in Alabama we would say " YOU ARE SIMPLY NOSEY" So lets go back to what forums are supposed to be, and get off the Wagon of Gossip. But while you are doing so Look out cause it is alot bigger than you think! the numbers on this thread are way low, don't you wish they would just go ahead and post the number, but then what would you guys do with your time, if you knew? cause you would not evidently have anything to talk about. I was UPC for years and have alot of friends who are still UPC. They UPC leadership would be ashamed of some of you, the way you claim to be a part of them but are so soon to open your mouth and say things about some of the Greatest Men of God ever. The WPF has been very clear it will not put up with any type of hate groups. I wished we all could have that standard.
Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic View Post
The fact that this statement would upset some folks only goes to show where they stand spiritually! Lets go on to something more uplifting folks!!
Yes, you are correct, there was absolutely nothing in this post for anyone to get offended over, or to have any kind of negative response to. It was just a loving, kind and Godly post, full of meaningful, uplifting intellegence....
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Old 02-15-2008, 12:08 PM
PocatelloApostolic PocatelloApostolic is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Gotta love this classic post also. Apparently anytime anybody takes exception to a post that means that post was exactly on the money.

What hogwash. This is the typical pretzel logic too many people use to justify their illogical and unbiblical positoins.

C'mon PiccadelloeclecticApostolic, do you REALLY mean it that anytime people obejct to a post or disagree with it that validates the post? I sure hope you are kidding because if you are not then think about what your philosophy the next time you respond to a post you differ with - by your own theory you will be wrong and the poster correct.
I had and still have a right to respond BECAUSE I WAS AT TULSA! I saw, heard, and felt the spirit of the men present. There was also a great moving of the Holy Ghost! Regardless of what anyone thinks, to me, that signified the approval of God to all. And if God be for it, you, AFF, UPC, or anyother nay-sayer are foolish to speak against it. Only God and time will reveal the true intents of everyone's heart. So, as I said before, LETS GO ON WITH THE WORK OF GOD!! Amen??
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Old 02-15-2008, 01:33 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic View Post
I had and still have a right to respond BECAUSE I WAS AT TULSA! I saw, heard, and felt the spirit of the men present. There was also a great moving of the Holy Ghost! Regardless of what anyone thinks, to me, that signified the approval of God to all. And if God be for it, you, AFF, UPC, or anyother nay-sayer are foolish to speak against it. Only God and time will reveal the true intents of everyone's heart. So, as I said before, LETS GO ON WITH THE WORK OF GOD!! Amen??
Was the Browsnville revival a great moving of the HG? Are there great moves of the HG at Benny Hinn crusades? How can you tell the real thing from fake (if there is such a thing)?
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Old 02-15-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic View Post
I had and still have a right to respond BECAUSE I WAS AT TULSA! I saw, heard, and felt the spirit of the men present. There was also a great moving of the Holy Ghost! Regardless of what anyone thinks, to me, that signified the approval of God to all. And if God be for it, you, AFF, UPC, or anyother nay-sayer are foolish to speak against it. Only God and time will reveal the true intents of everyone's heart. So, as I said before, LETS GO ON WITH THE WORK OF GOD!! Amen??
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Old 02-15-2008, 02:11 PM
Thinking Thinking is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

There was a powerful move of God in the general conference at Tampa...some say one of the best general conferences in many years. Did that signify God's approval on the United Pentecostal Church?
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Old 02-15-2008, 02:57 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Thinking View Post
There was a powerful move of God in the general conference at Tampa...some say one of the best general conferences in many years. Did that signify God's approval on the United Pentecostal Church?
Here is a thread that was dedicated to talking about God's Approval.

God's Approval
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Old 02-15-2008, 04:21 PM
PocatelloApostolic PocatelloApostolic is offline
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Was the Browsnville revival a great moving of the HG? Are there great moves of the HG at Benny Hinn crusades? How can you tell the real thing from fake (if there is such a thing)?
Jesus said, "By their fruits shall ye know them." When I see men that are trying their best to stand for truth, righteousness, and holiness(inside and outside) and the presence of God moves, then yes, I take that as the approval of God upon a situation. However, when you visit meetings where you know and SEE that people are not producing the right kind of fruit, I question the spirit I feel. There is also another spirit that LOVES to mask as the spirit of God. But those who have got the REAL Holy Ghost can tell the difference between the two!
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Old 02-15-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Here we go again.

I so appreciate those among us who really think we are so ignorant as to buy the absolute pack-o-l...ahem...I mean purposefully erroneous reports that they post.

Ahhhhh, it seems like only yesterday that I was being told that the 2006 meeting in Houston wasn't about a new org.

And then there were widespread claims that those fine, fine, fine upstanding purveyors of ethics and truth in charge of the Tulsa meeting had no intention of starting an org.

And now we are told that even though these same super-ethical men have organized, given their "fellowship" a name, formatted a charter, incorporated as a 501c3a and mapped a "better" future than the rest of us ever dreamed - THEY ARE STILL MOST HIGH, MOST HOLY, and MOST ETHICAL.

To which I say....um....whatever dude.

They have medication for that kind of thinking.
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Old 02-15-2008, 04:37 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic View Post
Jesus said, "By their fruits shall ye know them." When I see men that are trying their best to stand for truth, righteousness, and holiness(inside and outside) and the presence of God moves, then yes, I take that as the approval of God upon a situation. However, when you visit meetings where you know and SEE that people are not producing the right kind of fruit, I question the spirit I feel. There is also another spirit that LOVES to mask as the spirit of God. But those who have got the REAL Holy Ghost can tell the difference between the two!
And guess who get to decide who has the REAL Holy Ghost??
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Old 02-15-2008, 06:09 PM
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Re: QUESTION: DId only 72 or 225 join WPF???????

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Here we go again.

I so appreciate those among us who really think we are so ignorant as to buy the absolute pack-o-l...ahem...I mean purposefully erroneous reports that they post.

Ahhhhh, it seems like only yesterday that I was being told that the 2006 meeting in Houston wasn't about a new org.

And then there were widespread claims that those fine, fine, fine upstanding purveyors of ethics and truth in charge of the Tulsa meeting had no intention of starting an org.

And now we are told that even though these same super-ethical men have organized, given their "fellowship" a name, formatted a charter, incorporated as a 501c3a and mapped a "better" future than the rest of us ever dreamed - THEY ARE STILL MOST HIGH, MOST HOLY, and MOST ETHICAL.

To which I say....um....whatever dude.

They have medication for that kind of thinking.
So I assume you consider AWCF to be an organization??
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