Originally Posted by Thad
who are you referring this to specifically ?
Sooo many have let us know that they just knew something. Well, like I said, not everyone liked him and he was the messiest person I have ever known and could be hateful and narcissistic beyond words and on and on. But there is no denying he was productive. He came from the baptist/AG world. He had no connections and yet preached for some of the best. He has singlehandedly destroyed his life. I think of the scripture that says.. On the morrow they stripped the slain...referring to the sons of the king strewn on the battlefield. I hate debates but he was the best I ever heard at it. I should know we debated plenty. People had plenty to dislike about him, no doubt, such as his constant pratical jokes and decorated cars at weddings. But the fact that he was gay all along???? I guess I'm just tired of overbearing folks who try to pretend they knew something was wrong. Sorry is that too strong?