I want to apply this as a genderal application.I refuse as a lady to give over my genderal distinction to a man.The world may love its neuter sex roles but I still
feel like what Jesus said about marriage being an example of Christ and the Church to stand as a valid point for genderal distinction.I am a very capable individual and can do most anything in the work world as a man with as much intelligence can do.I just choose not to.I don't want a stay at home hubby while I work and he changes diapers.I don't want to as the proverbial saying goes wear the pants in the family.I refuse to give up pink and wear the black nikes.
No thanks.I like perfume and girly clothes.I like doors open and yes I still like the man to pay the dinner date.My husband takes me out to dinner all the time
and he pays.When our children were born I stayed home with them.I did not let him stay home and change diapers and work.Not on your life.That traditional sense of womens roles that early Americana kept before world war II was based on the bible and a man taking responsibility for his family.Its still not outdated.
There are many cultures and many traditions but the tradition of women being feminine and wearing dresses is one I am keeping.I am keeping my long beautiful hair.
Never have I let the pastor decide for me what Jesus is talking to my heart about.That is what is wrong with people.They want the pastor to have a relationship with God and not have one them selves.Sorry but my desire to be
a lady comes from my desire to please God not man.If anyone disagrees so be it.You have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.I don't have to answer for the Baptist pastor down the street.I have to stand before Jesus for myself.The pastor won't be holding my hand.No one will be.Its going to be between me and God so why don't I just live my life like that.
I am so glad that I don't have to judge others.God can do that better than I can.
Sister please keep your convictions you are fine ,just the way you are.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Good points, but remember, we are talking about 1940 (and even sooner, to many) as being a benchmark.
And yes, in the 4th century, women in the Western world wore pants, which they adapted from the Persians. At that time, pants were considered unmanly.
Exactly! Why????
Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
1Pe 5:6-7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Tit 3:2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Only aristocrats and nobles wore them and many were homosexuals following the etiquette of a homosexual ruler. The vast majority of men in the West did not dress that way
Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Source for this info, please?
And where is 'the West' that you refer to?
Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
1Pe 5:6-7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Tit 3:2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
I want to apply this as a genderal application.I refuse as a lady to give over my genderal distinction to a man.The world may love its neuter sex roles but I still
feel like what Jesus said about marriage being an example of Christ and the Church to stand as a valid point for genderal distinction.I am a very capable individual and can do most anything in the work world as a man with as much intelligence can do.I just choose not to.I don't want a stay at home hubby while I work and he changes diapers.I don't want to as the proverbial saying goes wear the pants in the family.I refuse to give up pink and wear the black nikes.
No thanks.I like perfume and girly clothes.I like doors open and yes I still like the man to pay the dinner date.My husband takes me out to dinner all the time
and he pays.When our children were born I stayed home with them.I did not let him stay home and change diapers and work.Not on your life.That traditional sense of womens roles that early Americana kept before world war II was based on the bible and a man taking responsibility for his family.Its still not outdated.
There are many cultures and many traditions but the tradition of women being feminine and wearing dresses is one I am keeping.I am keeping my long beautiful hair.
Never have I let the pastor decide for me what Jesus is talking to my heart about.That is what is wrong with people.They want the pastor to have a relationship with God and not have one them selves.Sorry but my desire to be
a lady comes from my desire to please God not man.If anyone disagrees so be it.You have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.I don't have to answer for the Baptist pastor down the street.I have to stand before Jesus for myself.The pastor won't be holding my hand.No one will be.Its going to be between me and God so why don't I just live my life like that.
I am so glad that I don't have to judge others.God can do that better than I can.
Love the spirit and the substance of this post!! Way to go sis!
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
I want to apply this as a genderal application.I refuse as a lady to give over my genderal distinction to a man.The world may love its neuter sex roles but I still
feel like what Jesus said about marriage being an example of Christ and the Church to stand as a valid point for genderal distinction.I am a very capable individual and can do most anything in the work world as a man with as much intelligence can do.I just choose not to.I don't want a stay at home hubby while I work and he changes diapers.I don't want to as the proverbial saying goes wear the pants in the family.I refuse to give up pink and wear the black nikes.
No thanks.I like perfume and girly clothes.I like doors open and yes I still like the man to pay the dinner date.My husband takes me out to dinner all the time
and he pays.When our children were born I stayed home with them.I did not let him stay home and change diapers and work.Not on your life.That traditional sense of womens roles that early Americana kept before world war II was based on the bible and a man taking responsibility for his family.Its still not outdated.
There are many cultures and many traditions but the tradition of women being feminine and wearing dresses is one I am keeping.I am keeping my long beautiful hair.
Never have I let the pastor decide for me what Jesus is talking to my heart about.That is what is wrong with people.They want the pastor to have a relationship with God and not have one them selves.Sorry but my desire to be
a lady comes from my desire to please God not man.If anyone disagrees so be it.You have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.I don't have to answer for the Baptist pastor down the street.I have to stand before Jesus for myself.The pastor won't be holding my hand.No one will be.Its going to be between me and God so why don't I just live my life like that.
I am so glad that I don't have to judge others.God can do that better than I can.
Sister, this is a great post, and I truly appreciate it. I agree with just about everything you said. And as I said in previous posts, there is definitely merit in the traditional OP pants/skirts position, and people who hold that position for themselves are very honorable in my opinion. I think a dangerous thing though, is when people don't arrive at that conclusion for themselves, and they feel coerced by leadership to "wear the uniform". In my opinion, when people arrive at convictions on their own, as you have, they have their answer as to how God wants them to dress and present themselves. Not because some pastor has failed to fully interpret correctly Deut 22:5, and not because we do this because of bathroom signs, but because God has dealt with you. But my questions goes further, what if God doesn't deal with someone else about pants/skirts as being the only necessary interpretation of Deut 22:5? My suggestion is that in many cases, God has NOT led some people to the same conclusion he has led you too regarding pants/skirts. The "role" issue that you brought up would be valid regardless of where someone stands on pants/skirts. And i agree, skirts are more femenine, and a modest skirt is probably the most modest, but does that mean that is the only outer garment a woman can wear and still be femenine, modest, and fill her role in society? In my opinion, I don't think so. And when you consider people in this society have been brought up in the last 20-40 years, the only thing they know for the most part is that it is completely acceptible for women to wear pants.... my point being that women can still be very femenine, modest, and fill the appropriate role in society, even if they don the occasional pair of pants. If God deals with them and gives them a personal conviction that they should never wear pants, that's one thing, and i think they should be sensitive to their convictions and to God. But if God doesn't deal with someone else, and they feel liberty to wear the occasional pair of pants, say for pajamas, skiing, workout, or some loose shorts and t-shirt while swimming (it's very impractical to swim in a skirt).... people inappropriately appealing to Deut 22:5 to show that these kinds of exceptions are "abominations" is not the answer. The answer in my opinion, is letting God deal with the person so they know they have arrived at whatever decision they have arrived at because of a relationship they have with God, not because someone has told them if they don't they are going to be an abomination and be lost....
Why is it when folks read DEUT.22 they focus on verse 5 and ignore the rest of the chapter ?
Certainly one should be holy inwardly as well as outwardly ,but most folks ignore the rest of the chapter, when we are supposed to rightly divide the word of truth.
Exactly.... what happened to, if you are going to apply Deut 22:5, then apply it in it's context....
We are instructed in the Nt to ignore the whole chapter Scotty.we are not commande dto live after the law.
Paul said if we attempt to and do not obey all 613 rules of the Torah (of which vs 5 of Duet 22 is apart of) then we make ourselves guilty of all.
But somebody got an idea back int e40's that they didn't like women wearing dungarees to weld on the war ships and thought this verse of scripture gave them support. They were wrong then and they are even more wrong today to use Duet 22:5 to impose this man made cotrine on women.