Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Bro.Sam I meant me perhaps you could offer me some sagely advice that girl is driving me crazy?
Kids do that.
A couple of pieces of advice:
1. She is not only your child, she is also God's child. Some times we parents have to back off a little and let God do more.
2. Choose your battles. Some things are not worth fighting over.
3. Make sure she knows you love her. Tell her often. Show it all the time.
4. Give her some of the latitude you would give to a brother or sister on some things you may not see eye to eye on. She may have pretty good reasons for some of her opinions
5. If she lives in your house you can set some house rules.
6. Biggest and most important, pray, pray, pray (and some fasting wouldn't hurt)
Poem (I read this somewhere but don't remember who wrote it)
this applies to a child who is a little older
When you were young
and at my fingertips,
I covered you with blankets
to protect you from the cold night air.
But now you're grown
and out of reach,
so I fold my hands
and cover you with prayer.