What we "hear" is influenced much by the attitude that comes across in a post. It's not usually hard to tell what that is unless the reader is listening with bias, possibly.
The attitude that comes across? See, that attitude is generally reflected not by the poster, but by the viewer. Haven't we all been misread by others at some point here? I know that I have, and I have done a lot of misreading as well.
I have read the same post that others have read and responded to, but I didn't 'hear' what they heard, and would have responded quite differently than others did. I'm sure you have done the same.
As for bias, well, we all have that....LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
When a poster clearly resorts to name calling and ad hominem attacks you usually can pick up on their attitude with a fair degree of certainty.
Fearing that I had missed something in the "drugs and alcohol" comparision on this thread, I asked politely for clarification. The immediate response I received was name calling. Other posters expressed dismay similar to my own and the name calling continued.
I find this pattern of behavior not just on the 'net but throughout our fellowship as well. We demean anything that is different and resort to name calling and personal attacks all too readily. When someone actually stands up against these behaviors the reults are predictable. The name callers slink off into their dark corners complaining about how they were "misunderstood" and how "mean" you must be to have stood up to them.
This is the classic passive/aggressive strategy that Satan is using to destroy the Apostolic movement. The worst offenders call themselves "conservatives" but they are really radicals who are bent upon forcing everyone to adhere to their 50 year-old innovations.
Maybe some day BOOM will let me show you some of the dead bodies or to post and replay some of the lies that have formed us into what we are today. People have really been killed over this stuff. It's a serious matter and we must stand against it to preserve the Christian faith.
To be honest, I thought you were having your fair share of brash posting earlier, although above you say you were being polite. This is an example of how we read things differently than how the poster intended.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
While Roxanne doesn't need my defense, I don't believe she is that way in person. I rather think that she is blunt in her mannerisms here, and perhaps she comes across a little brash, but then again, so do I sometimes, even when I don't intend to be.
Roxanne and I 'come to blows' on this forum often, but we have also talked privately about our own lives and I think she is a great person. I wish I lived a lot closer to her because I think that in spite of our differences, we'd be good friends.
Maybe it's because we are so much alike....LOL!
Probably so, sister, probably so. We're gonna have to meet up someday, somewhere.
Believe it or not, but I cannot both be entertained and worship at the same time. IF I am entertained, then my flesh is getting something it likes. Now, is it wrong to find joy and laughter in life? No. But, to say that is the same as worship is incorrect. Worship, true worship, is focused on Jesus, and it involves a sacrifice.
I don't say that entertainment and worship is the same, but we can have both at the same time.
There is nothing wrong with getting entertained in church. God made us that way. He provided us with ways to worship as well as entertainment. For instance, I can worship God playing piano, and at the same time, I can be entertained because I love to play piano.
On the flip side, I cannot worship playing the tuba. I HATE playing a tuba, so I'll leave that form of worship to someone else..LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
To be honest, I thought you were having your fair share of brash posting earlier, although above you say you were being polite. This is an example of how we read things differently than how the poster intended.
The "polite" was my first post in the thread. The "brash" came after the name calling. That's what raised my hackles. I figured, "if they can dish it out, then I'd try and hold them responsible for it."
Of course you can never really do that. Our fellowship is governed by the hit and run types.
When a poster clearly resorts to name calling and ad hominem attacks you usually can pick up on their attitude with a fair degree of certainty.
Fearing that I had missed something in the "drugs and alcohol" comparision on this thread, I asked politely for clarification. The immediate response I received was name calling. Other posters expressed dismay similar to my own and the name calling continued.
I find this pattern of behavior not just on the 'net but throughout our fellowship as well. We demean anything that is different and resort to name calling and personal attacks all too readily. When someone actually stands up against these behaviors the reults are predictable. The name callers slink off into their dark corners complaining about how they were "misunderstood" and how "mean" you must be to have stood up to them.
This is the classic passive/aggressive strategy that Satan is using to destroy the Apostolic movement. The worst offenders call themselves "conservatives" but they are really radicals who are bent upon forcing everyone to adhere to their 50 year-old innovations.
Maybe some day BOOM will let me show you some of the dead bodies or to post and replay some of the lies that have formed us into what we are today. People have really been killed over this stuff. It's a serious matter and we must stand against it to preserve the Christian faith.
Appreciate you bro.
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
Thank you for pointing out that praise and worship are different. Praise is simply giving glory and honor to God, by various means, for His goodness, His greatness, His blessings, His numerous attributes....... I did a look through the Bible along the theme of worship. And I discovered that worship, real worship, came about after a sacrifice, and it involved the abasing of one's self in the presence of the One being worshipped. Sometimes praise has its' focus on the 'things' God has given us, as we are expressing our thanks for them. However, worship is solely directed to God, and HE is the center of attention.
Amen. I agree and I add that sometimes praise focuses on who we are in Him. That ushers me into His presence and worship!
Thank you for pointing out that praise and worship are different. Praise is simply giving glory and honor to God, by various means, for His goodness, His greatness, His blessings, His numerous attributes....... I did a look through the Bible along the theme of worship. And I discovered that worship, real worship, came about after a sacrifice, and it involved the abasing of one's self in the presence of the One being worshipped. Sometimes praise has its' focus on the 'things' God has given us, as we are expressing our thanks for them. However, worship is solely directed to God, and HE is the center of attention.
Interesting take on the subject.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!