that might take up too much brain power. I dont fall for "lets get to armageddon" junk. and I think there needs to be an end to all that mess. that end in my view is an end with a nation of Israel. I dont really care where zionism is or wants to be.
but we agree that KP is off on his belief about Israel.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Chapter 5, pages 200 through 275 of "Christianity without the Cross" cover this.
What did Thomas Fudge become the leader of the liberals?
Let me shed some light on the illustrious Fudge Book.
If anyone took the time to read it carefully you will find that Thomas Fudge starts out pretty decent in his behavior of the One God people. But as you read you can see how his writing changes after J.L. Hall gives him the boot out of the library in Hazelwood. Sorry, disgruntled writers who have attitudes and agendas don't make for good historians. Christianity without the Holy Ghost that is what the book should be titled.
Thank you for your time.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
We are making gumbo right
No boudin lately.My daughter though says she misses it.
We are going to Abbeville soon and have an ice
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
What did Thomas Fudge become the leader of the liberals?
Let me shed some light on the illustrious Fudge Book.
If anyone took the time to read it carefully you will find that Thomas Fudge starts out pretty decent in his behavior of the One God people. But as you read you can see how his writing changes after J.L. Hall gives him the boot out of the library in Hazelwood. Sorry, disgruntled writers who have attitudes and agendas don't make for good historians. Christianity without the Holy Ghost that is what the book should be titled.
Thank you for your time.
Interesting observation -- one I haven't heard before.
Disgruntled or not doesn't change the factual and narrative history. I want to know as much about that as possible. I have no fear of knowing the truth -- whatever it is.
Good heavens! I about fell over when I read that Charles Parham was accused of apparent homosexual misconduct, but that doesn't lessen or diminish the reality of the Holy Ghost or how God moved so powerfully in Topeka or Azusa St either.
So even IF IF IF Fudge had a bone to pick, the history and information provided is valid and important.
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)