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Old 07-25-2014, 02:41 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Yes, don't post the clip! LOL! I liked how she said they need to ask Selena Gomez whether she can even spell Palestinian.

BTW, I saw the clip elsewhere. I never link to TMZ. They are just trash.
That was hilarious!

I don't like TMZ either. They were completely classless the other day with Palin. Of course, that's typical for TMZ.
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Old 07-25-2014, 02:46 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by n david View Post
That was hilarious!

I don't like TMZ either. They were completely classless the other day with Palin. Of course, that's typical for TMZ.
Yea, they are pretty classless. I am glad to see Bloomberg, Rivers, and Howard Stern speaking out in support of Israel. Jon Stewart needs to get on board - sell out.
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:31 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
ok, PO, i apologize for responding in-kind again, but what am i to say to this? I was up at sunrise this morning, and it rose in the same place it always does, and not where you might think? Obviously, i am not a great communicator. I know you feel that you are moral, and striving to be the best person you can be, same as me--but the same can be said of Hitler. If Hamas wants Jews dead, and you want Hamas dead, then how are you any better than them? I am no terrorist sympathizer; i merely point out a different terrorist.

If true...WHY? Why focus on Jews only as "terrorists" and not also on Hamas? Seems one sided
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:40 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
I'm not interested in splitting hairs here, or judging nations. God will judge each man's heart--that's good enough for me. I truly have no desire to defend Muslims. So stop attacking them, is my point. Your own 'church' is melting around you!

look, i don't disagree that rockets hitting Jerusalem, my favorite city, is a bad thing. But the bottom of the matter is hardly Hamas--that is a joke. Please see that they got their weapons from the same place we get our weapons from, at the end of the day--the weapons-mongers. Fight them.
Do you condemn Hamas for it's actions? Yes or no?
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:46 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
yes, Prax--but unfortunately, we are shielded, and so think that we have been immune to indoctrination, when in fact we have it the worst, prolly. You kind of mix metaphors or whatever here, so i'll say that in your first case, are you aware that the Japanese tried, more than once, to surrender, before we dropped atomic bombs on them? Of course, you don't get taught this in school...also, to imagine that Pearl Harbor was a surprise has now become pretty hard to defend, as has the historic posture that we actually tried to stay out of the war. All lies, for public consumption.

In your second case, i am missing the relevance, sorry; but it seems to me that Israel is portrayed as the longsuffering wife here, when they strike me--and increasingly more Jews, btw--as the abusive husband. What happens in Israel now is no less than apartheid.
The relevance had to do with your statement about the desperation of suicide bombers....

I pointed out other cases where it was just part of a tactic.

You never talk about Hamas, JUST Israel and that is why others here are focusing on Hamas...someone has to

Like I said before to you, both sides have issues that need to be addressed. As long as only one side get's fingers pointed at it, there will never be peace

For example. It's not enough to demand Israel open it's border to Gaza...it's closed to prevent Hamas militants and Palestinian suicide bombers from entering in

So you have to provide Israel with safety guarantees

I repeat, Israel was attacked on all sides by the Arabs. That tends to make a nation paranoid and xenophobic. Every Rocket that get's launched feeds that

Hamas's charter to destroy Israel feeds that.

The world, and people like you, need to start focusing on BOTH. It sounds like you, and people like you, are telling Israel they can't defend itself. They have to lay down and die
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:51 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
i don't have the answers there--but i can see the Ashkenazi hiding behind the Jews. i don't even see any Rothschilds on the Forbes' richest list anymore, hmm. That's rich. Trust that every bit of news you get is being spoon-fed to you; every reaction calculated.
Those regurgitated conspiracy theories are over rated and fueled by lies like the protocols of Zion.

They used the same lies in Nazi Germany. They used the same lies in Europe through out the last 2 thousand years.

There is always a new angle to justifying hate of the Jews.
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:52 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
For me, it is simply enough to recognize that satan runs the world--ergo, he must have a mechanism. They have a flag, which i have posted. They have 3 places on the planet that belong to no country, and answer to no one. To not be a 'conspiracy theorist,' imo, is to be fatally naive. satan runs the world, but there are no conspiracies? now, this does not mean that there are not good people in Gov, trying to set things right, also, however.
If he runs the world, stop shaking your fist at the Jews...wait...didn't you say God created Hamas to punish Israel?

BTW, don't put words in my mouth please. I never said there are no conspiracies.
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:53 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
For me, it is simply enough to recognize that satan runs the world--ergo, he must have a mechanism. They have a flag, which i have posted. They have 3 places on the planet that belong to no country, and answer to no one. To not be a 'conspiracy theorist,' imo, is to be fatally naive. satan runs the world, but there are no conspiracies? now, this does not mean that there are not good people in Gov, trying to set things right, also, however.
Do you believe EVERY conspiracy theory?
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:55 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
yes, Prax--but unfortunately, we are shielded, and so think that we have been immune to indoctrination, when in fact we have it the worst, prolly. You kind of mix metaphors or whatever here, so i'll say that in your first case, are you aware that the Japanese tried, more than once, to surrender, before we dropped atomic bombs on them? Of course, you don't get taught this in school...also, to imagine that Pearl Harbor was a surprise has now become pretty hard to defend, as has the historic posture that we actually tried to stay out of the war. All lies, for public consumption.

In your second case, i am missing the relevance, sorry; but it seems to me that Israel is portrayed as the longsuffering wife here, when they strike me--and increasingly more Jews, btw--as the abusive husband. What happens in Israel now is no less than apartheid.
BTW your answer obfuscates the issue I was addressing. It's a classic red herring filtered again through the eyes of a conspiracy theorist
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:57 PM
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Re: Rockets hitting Jerusalem

Originally Posted by n david View Post

Since Israel already was going to accept the Egyptian cease fire, I imagine they would accept Kerry's as well; however, I wish they wouldn't. They need to completely wipe out Hamas. If this report is true and Hamas is on the run, Israel needs to pour on the offensive, not stop. Accepting a cease fire or truce will only add more years to the conflict. Bring in the tanks and bulldozers. Destroy the Hamas leader's homes and other buildings connected to Hamas. Raze Gaza, if need be to stop this once and for all.

Kerry's truce will only help Hamas regroup, which continues with this administration's theme of helping Hamas.
It's a global conspiracy by the Rothchild controlled media...
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