Good grief this is a weak defence.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I would suggest that you buy a Strong's Concordance and look up every reference to Tithe or Tithes. Tithe was in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
Please quote the post where anyone said the word tithe or tithes was not in the New Testament, I don't think I've ever seen anyone make that claim. Indeed it appears in the gospel of Matthew and Luke as well as Hebrews.
Both uses in the gospel were in reference to pharisees, though one was only a parable condeming the self righteous pharisee. So there is something to hang your hat on.
The only other references to tithing in the New Testament are in
Hebrews 7, in which the subject is the priesthood of Jesus Christ, not the necessity of paying 10% of ones paycheck to the church.
Your doctrine is so weak it is laughable. You hold to tithing of money with no scriptural support for such, but rant against those who don't believe a woman should trim their hair (a doctrine which I reject BTW). But the uncut hair doctrine has as much if not more scriptural support than your tithing doctrine.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Robbers, thieves, liars, stingy, selfish tightwads hate the word Tithe because it requires something of them.
Accuser of the bretheren, false witness, and judge of the intentions of other mens hearts. Be careful AB, you have no right for this kind of rhetoric.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
It IS in the Bible and if you would just take time to look it up there is plenty of "scriptural proof of the doctrine."
So is "baptism for the dead." A phrase and especially a word appearing in the Bible is hardly support for a doctrine. We must STUDY to show ourselves approved. And you as a "bishop" (I would never sit under you, not because of your tithing doctrine, but because of your obvious lack of self control, a scriptural characteristic REQUIRED of Bishops (1 tim 3:2). Also Bishops shouldn't be given to covetousness, shouldn't be lifted up with pride, not greedy for filthy lucre, and patient. Characteristics you seriously seem to lack. People googling tithing will see your picture, and your title "bishop" and read the statements you make and the rhetoric you use. You are only making yourself look bad.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
PROVE to us that the word TITHE is not in the New Testament.
You have the burden of proof on you as you brought up the subject and made the challenge.
I've already addressed the use of the word in the NT. Furthermore, the burden of proof is on you to show that tithing, which is not even mentioned in the Ten Commandments, is reuired in the covenant of grace, but the Sabbath is abolished. It is up to you to show how the Law continues for those under grace in direct contradiction to numberous scriptures.
The burden of proof is on you to produce a single example of anyone (beside a pharisee) tithing in the New Testament or being instructed to tithe.
The burden of proof is on you, to show what authority you have to say tithing is binding on Gentiles, when the Jerualem council of
Acts 15 didn't feel necessary to address the issue.
The burden of proof is on you to show that the tithe is:
money (not agricultural products),
the store house is the local church (not a phyiscal building of the Temple)
that the windows of heaven refer to material blessings (as opposed to rain)
that the devourer is Satan (instead of insects that destroyed their crops)
That everyone must tithe regardless of their trade, even though there is ZERO biblical examples of anyone who didn't live off the land tithing. Can you provide a scriptural reference where a fisherman, carpenter or blacksmith tithed?
Just because you throw the phrase "burden of proof" around it doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't make your argument any stronger. Your argument is like a house of cards, easily blown down with a simple knowledge of scriptural context.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Show us in the Word of God where God said there is No Tithe and that we are Not To Tithe. Show us the scriptures that say the Tithe is done aways with and is no longer valid.
Oh, now thats a solid argument. I've got that one in jail ministry before.....
Show me where it says "thou shalt not smoke dope." Where does it say "thou shalt not gamble." Your argument should be grouped with other such arguments.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I want the scripture and verse where it says - Thou Shalt Not Tithe or that Tithing is only an Old Testament practice.
Really this is so simple.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (KJV)
If we give according to what we purpose in our heart, it is independant of the tithe. Also not of necessity specifically rules out the 10% minimum "binding" on Chrsitans.
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. (NLT) How much more pressure can be put on a person than that if you don't give this your going to HELL!!!!! In the words of Atlanta Bishops in this thread "you'll slide to hell on that thin dime you robbed from God." Or some such nonsense. Look it up, I think it is page 14 or 15, I don't care enough to get the actual quote, the point is the same it is not only un-biblical, but anti-biblical. It is a message of guilt and condemnation which attempts to enslave people through the works of the law, and in contradiction to
1 Peter 1:18-19, DOES teach that people are redeemed by corruptible things, since tithing determines their relationship with God, and even brings them under the curse/judgment of God.
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Come on now - Your so intelligent that you think the word TITHE is not in the New Testament - Look it up and cut and paste every time the word TITHE or TITHES was used in the New Testament. Maybe you have an Anti-Tithe Bible! LOL
You guys are a total joke.
If you are a "bishop" the joke is on Christianity.