Here's some TRUTH, if you're willing to accept the Truth.
The mad one certainly wouldn't be me, but it appears I needed to go to extreme to help you understand what I was saying. I ran out of options. You were either completely disregarding what I said, or ignoring me, or you weren't reading, or something. I couldn't have been more clear yet you just kept saying that I said something that I didn't say.
There is no question that obesity is primarily caused by overeating. But for you to look at a heavy person and automatically assume they overeat is foolish and you're doing the same thing that you're accusing me of. You're judging.
Have you ever been prescribed prednisone because of a serious illness? It can cause extreme weight gain. Have you ever had diabetes so bad that it spirals out of control and causes extreme weight gain? Have you ever heard of the chemical malfunction in the brain that continually sends signals to the stomach that says it's extremely hungry?
Thyroid problems, which are rare, aren't the only thing that causes weight gain.
I don't take pride in whatever liberties I have; you asked what my views were in regard to question #4. I answered as frankly as I could without second guessing or trying to over-explain why I think this or that.
I didn't mean that you were fighting about shorts. I meant that shorts aren't worth fighting for as in trying to find a reason to wear them.
I didn't mean that you were fighting about shorts. I meant that shorts aren't worth fighting for as in trying to find a reason to wear them.
Personally I don't think it's worth fighting for either, not because we need a reason to wear them but it's a waste of time and points us externally away from the heart and away from what Jesus wants to do in the heart
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Let's get back to the shorts issue.
Once you state that shorts are ok, then it becomes a matter of how short is ok.
You don't want daisy dukes showing up at your youth service.
We have had them in churches that I have attended, but only on the visitors.
There are times and places for appropriate dress.
The world we live in wants us, especially girls/women, to dress in a provocative manner.
We have a dress code at work, that is enforced by the staff.
No "short" shorts, halter tops, baggy pants, or other inappropriate dress is permitted.
I do not see the "dress code" at church as much different.
Let's get back to the shorts issue.
Once you state that shorts are ok, then it becomes a matter of how short is ok.
You don't want daisy dukes showing up at your youth service.
We have had them in churches that I have attended, but only on the visitors.
There are times and places for appropriate dress.
The world we live in wants us, especially girls/women, to dress in a provocative manner.
We have a dress code at work, that is enforced by the staff.
No "short" shorts, halter tops, baggy pants, or other inappropriate dress is permitted.
I do not see the "dress code" at church as much different.
I wear "shorts"...Im a man. They come down to my knees. If anyone has a problem with that then it's my opinion they have some issues they need to turn over to the Lord.
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Have you ever had diabetes so bad that it spirals out of control and causes extreme weight gain?
Diabetes doesn't cause weight gain. In fact, it can cause weight loss. Sometimes Type 2 diabetics can gain weight after starting insulin, one theory being it normalizes your metabolism.
Be content with what you have, for God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5,6
Love is patient, love is kind, Love does not insist on its own way. Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
- I Corinthians 13:4-8