Originally Posted by Jon Alfaro
Well that is because its a ministers forum. This one is not and I can respect that. Many men come on those closed forums to vent at times. If you are a minister than you can understand how hard it is at times to simply speak your mind and speak it to people who understand. Like I said, if you are a minister you can understand... Its not because anything unethical is being discussed just simply so men can speak freely. In a sense the veil of the anonymous SN's here are similar to the idea of a closed forum.
Whoa, Bro. Alfaro, that one was a doozie. "Not because anything unethical is being discussed?" I completely agree with the statement about "venting", though I disagree the internet is the place to do it. And if so, let it be done by PM to a close friend in the ministry. But in my experience with closed forums (see AMF) "venting" was the last reason anyone would want to keep the threads secret.
Well, unless damning all of creation to hell because they wear short sleeves, have a TV, believe that maybe, just maybe ONE single trinitarian in the history of the church MIGHT have been saved apart from their religious dogma, amongst a host of other UNBIBLICAL reasons to say someone is going to hell, and manifesting not a LOVE for sinners or erring brothers, but rather quite the OPPOSITE. Well, then, maybe those men are better off not having those same threads become public knowledge. And I tend to think that some of the "jokes" would even by offensive to these rebrobates over at AFF. Maybe
Ephesians 5:4 should be taken a little more seriously.
JA, if your coming over to AFF to beat the AMF drum, at least tell it like it is.