I heard that amoung the Apostolics also. But is it correct from the context? I ALWAYS used to hear it, amoung the Pentecostals, that when God judges a then, City-state, but now Nation, he will first "judge" the people of God. Seems to hold true in Sodom example...not enough righteous people, judgment for the nation. And in Noah's time, "the imagination was evil" ect.
It's all gravy... dun worry... that stuff never happened! (visit the Noah's Ark thread)
Yeah, it does. And yet I've seen people who have actually gone through all of those steps and they seemed to genuinely be thinking that they were doing the "right thing."
Well, what's not right about it?
I don't see how any other way could be harmonious with scripture.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
A person doesn't have to be back in an original position to commit adultery. I don't think one is "entitled" (I liked the word from a previous post) to be restored to the same position in the body. However, if the elders feel led to fully restore and the congregation are accepting... isn't the onus on the restored one to prove himself by not falling into sin again?
I would agree, but how much time do you think this should take?
Polygamy wasn't a sin. A man and woman who are married are one flesh. If a man had four wives, he's one flesh with each of them.[/QUOTE
The idea of multiple wives and midwives was not an institution devised and planned by God from the beginning. God our creator did not take more than one rib from Adam. It was the introduction of sin that brought about the cultural and perversions of God's intended plan. Stoning (was not a sin) of a man, woman or child for several different acts, but do we stone or kill today regardless of Old Testament guidelines? It is because of the act of Christ on the cross and his reconciliation of his natural plan for man.
God's law often demanded polygamy. God even stated that he gave David wives and would have given him more had he been obedient. The issue was provision and social protection. Marriage wasn't a romantic institution (although romance was part of it), marriage was a social contract, or covenant, in which a man provided the needs and protection of a woman (women) in exchange for conjugal rights and children. It should be noted that Rome outlawed polygamy a century or more before Christ. The Jews were known for bucking this prohibition. Paul admonished Christians to simply obey the law. Polygamy wasn't and isn't a sin. However, in the modern Western world I don't believe we have the cultural structure or values to practice it in a holy manner.
I would say that it differs with the individual upon the leading of the Holy Ghost.
I ask knowing that it will vary greatly, but also expect it to take many years. Any less and it is just someone wanting to get into a position of power again for the sake of their own edification.
I ask knowing that it will vary greatly, but also expect it to take many years. Any less and it is just someone wanting to get into a position of power again for the sake of their own edification.
I understand what you're saying. But I look at it like this... the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. A man has to be what he was made to be. I give some grace for making a serious mistake... repeated offenses however should never be tolerated. I'd give him six months to a year minimum. And if he fell a second time, I'd never allow him near the pastorate.
I think a big problem is that the office of pastor is the only real office in the church where men find an outlet for their callings. We put so much emphasis on the pastor. What about the home bible study leader or house church pastor? What about the street preacher? All are invaluable but we don't really think about that.
I understand what you're saying. But I look at it like this... the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. A man has to be what he was made to be. I give some grace for making a serious mistake... repeated offenses however should never be tolerated. I'd give him six months to a year minimum. And if he fell a second time, I'd never allow him near the pastorate.
A two-strikes law?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty