Originally Posted by Barb
Sir, I was not asking for proof of your church membership. I was asking for proof to the post cited here.
In case you are wondering why I am laying your feet to the fire, let me share MY history with you...
Bro. Wilson was my pastor here in Michigan. Even as a young man, NJW was a man of strong character and integrity. I loved and respected his leadership, and do so today.
Do I think he walks on water? No! There are a few incidentals where he and I disagree, but I NEVER, not for one second, then or now doubted his deep sincerity and love for the lost.
Re degrees...Bishop Wilson has always encouraged education, but NEVER at the expense of truth and evangelism. If that is what you have gleaned from your time in his presence, you have missed much.
As for the unnamed musical director...no need to do so. I know his name. HOWEVER, if you think that was known AND tolerated, you are GREATLY mistaken!!! NJW would NEVER knowingly allow that to happen...NEVER!!
No disrespect here, but I don't give a rolling donut how long you were or have been a member of the TRC...coming here with your definite ax to grind with Bishop Wilson and Bro. Young is mighty low.
All of this leads me to ask: Why? What brings you here to accuse men of God of such things?
Did they not shake your hand one Sunday evening? Did Bishop or Bro. Young stop you in your tracks over a misdeed? Did they not move swift enough in the case of the aforementioned situation from back in the day? Did they deliver a Word from the Lord, and you took it personally as an attack?
What is up?
Here's the deal... this "cowgirl" has a suggestion...give them a call. Be as open and upfront with the elders, in the same manner you have here. Give them a list of your grips. Tell them they are arrogant snobs, because that is what you really think, right? Tell them you think they tolerated homosexuality for the sake of music...oh I would LOVE to hear their answer to that!!
Please, do it up right. Let these two fine men of God confront their accuser, and get back with us...when you can.
In case you are wondering why I am laying your feet to the fire, let me share MY history with you...
Bro. Wilson was my pastor here in Michigan. Even as a young man, NJW was a man of strong character and integrity. I loved and respected his leadership, and do so today.
Do I think he walks on water? No! There are a few incidentals where he and I disagree, but I NEVER, not for one second, then or now doubted his deep sincerity and love for the lost.
Re degrees...Bishop Wilson has always encouraged education, but NEVER at the expense of truth and evangelism. If that is what you have gleaned from your time in his presence, you have missed much.
Barb, this is not all I gleaned from my time in his presence. However, when a man says that a city will be won when they see that everyone in the church has high level degree's, and mentions nothing about what established the apostolic movement here in the US (mind you he spoke quite awhile after he made that statement).
The focused was on the city being won because of a church full of members who have degrees.
He made this statement days after Pastor Young made almost the identical statement.
I was shocked! Just like I was shocked when as church (only a few saints refused to) we stood hands lifted in the air singing "the God head 3 in 1, father, spirit, son".
I happen to know why I believe what I believe. Just because NJW had his hands lifted and singing a trinity song, doesn't make it right.
I can truely go on and on. I mentioned less than 5 % of things that I witness, which have gone on uncorrected.
As for the unnamed musical director...no need to do so. I know his name. HOWEVER, if you think that was known AND tolerated, you are GREATLY mistaken!!! NJW would NEVER knowingly allow that to happen...NEVER!!
How do you know this Barb?
No disrespect here, but I don't give a rolling donut how long you were or have been a member of the TRC...coming here with your definite ax to grind with Bishop Wilson and Bro. Young is mighty low.
And, the untold things that happen, which I will not mentioned on this forum is not low?
All of this leads me to ask: Why? What brings you here to accuse men of God of such things?
Barb, like I said before I barely mentioned anything about all that has took place. I mentioned in my reply to EB, that I was actually looking for someone who could relate, or even provide another perspective.
Did they not shake your hand one Sunday evening? Did Bishop or Bro. Young stop you in your tracks over a misdeed? Did they not move swift enough in the case of the aforementioned situation from back in the day? Did they deliver a Word from the Lord, and you took it personally as an attack?
I'm not the saint your thinking of. I'm not a simple saint who is easily offended. I probably shook Bishops hand less than 20 times and Pastors hand less than 30. I've been there many years without a handshake for many Sundays.
No misdeed at all.
I barely ever came to them about anything.
As far as feeling like I was personal attacked, no. Was I offended at something they preached, no. TRC is a very easy church to be saved at with regards to the preaching. I have been convicted by God through the preaching, but never offended at the preaching or preach for what they preached.
Some people allow people to know them a certain way, and allow others to see them in a total different light.
Anytime I think I see something or "just know something is a particular way", the very first thing I do is challenge my perception of the situation. If it's important enough, I'll flip it several different ways, and try to see it from another light.
What is up?
Here's the deal... this "cowgirl" has a suggestion
I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have called you a cowgirl. I don't know you, your age, or anything else. So I sincerely apologize for calling you a cowgirl.
...give them a call.
I'm not going to give them a call. No, I'm not afraid. It'll be a waste of time.
Be as open and upfront with the elders, in the same manner you have here. Give them a list of your grips.
Barb, I won't tell "my list of grips" to them. I'll pray through and move on.
Tell them they are arrogant snobs, because that is what you really think, right?
Not exactly. I don't believe that their arrogant snobs. I don't believe that NJW is a arrogant snob. However, I do believe that CMY is.
Tell them you think they tolerated homosexuality for the sake of music...oh I would LOVE to hear their answer to that!!
Unfortunately Barb, that reason is the same reason preachers have givin highly creditable evangelist who confronted them after God showed it to the evangelist in prayer. Some preachers have even lied to the evangelist to keep the person playing music for the church.
You act as if it doesn't happen.