Originally Posted by TheLegalist
Yes... what bondage.. conditional security!
You don't even KNOW if you have lived up to the condition. Yes, it's a life lived in fear.
Hmm... have I sinned today?
Have I mistakenly done something to damage my right standing with God?
Is there something I might have done, or might not have done, or even done inadvertantly which has caused me to be viewed as being out of right relationship with God?
Am I alive in Christ or dead to him?
Wait! Let me just pray about it and hope the big bad terrible God has mercy enough on me to forgive me again and again and again and again and again ...... even if I don't know what it is I'm trying to get forgiven
Where do I stand at this very moment with God?????
Hmmm....... I guess I'll finally find out someday at the throne. Let's hope I'm on an upswing when that happens