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Old 11-26-2007, 05:34 PM
PastorD PastorD is offline
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While I have never preached a sermon on tithing in the church I pastor, it is mentioned. I have often said, there is no pressure-if your faith is not mature enough to understand tithing-pray about it. No pressure makes people want to be a part. Tithing is a wonderful choice for positive living.

I will say the only ones who I have ever heard complain or question are those that don't do it.

In Pentecost, there are many things that are not 'salvational' that we preach often. And, I don't think the majority would want we pastors to stop preaching it.

Just thoughts.....

Last edited by PastorD; 11-26-2007 at 05:36 PM. Reason: add word
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Old 11-26-2007, 06:38 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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I agree with mfblume (just this once). That preacher is sticking his OWN neck out by leading people into false beliefs.

Originally Posted by winklebottom View Post
We have a lot of unemployed stay at home Mom's etc. in our church. I have always felt they should be tithing their time or something. Am I being mean or what?? What say you all? Is "first fruits" and tithing always money??
The "Mommy War" rears its ugly head again. I say you should do your part and don't presume to think, much less discuss, what others OUGHT to be doing. Give people that seem different a space of grace.

Some churches are all about the cash, the whole cash, and nothing but the cash and would just as soon NOT see Wanda Overwhelmed and her hurricane horde of cracker attackers show up at the church to "volunteer."

Others graciously see that a stay-at-home mother has a more than a full-time job already, and are grateful for a casserole, a cake, or some help making costumes.

I know people living on miniscule disability or SSA stipends who tithe their time since they can scarcely pay the rent and keep the water on.
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Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.

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Old 11-26-2007, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by SiblingRevelry View Post
Is the (non)payment of tithing a salvation issue?

I went to a church yesterday and heard a message that pulled out all the stops on how if one did not pay tithing or wasn't up to date on tithing, then that person wouldn't go to be with Jesus and was in fact hellbound. Of course, mixed in there we got to hear about how God has miraculously provided for this particular ministry, how God would make millionaires out of some people there who paid tithing, and how God had a plan to grow this particular church to 1000 strong in two more years (currently has 134 members). Oh yeah, and the pastor is entitled to all the tithing.

I really disagree with this line of preaching. It didn't strike me as being very edifying to Jesus (and in fact, outside of the singing and the praying, Jesus wasn't mentioned at all). Granted, I am not naive enough to think that money grows on trees or that people shouldn't support churches with their donations, but this just seemed egregious. He was very clear that there were some people in attendance who were not (in his mind) up to date on their tithing and he was By God going to hammer them into getting out their checkbooks and paying their tithing even before they paid their bills.

I guess I was also taken aback by the fact that this church is paying $7,100/month for a space in a strip center that is distinguished only by its proximity to the state university, and not by much of anything else.

It was not an awfully edifying experience to me, but I've been out of Apostolic circles for a very long time and maybe I'm just not used to that kind of preaching and I'm still being naive.

what a scam! no one teaches or follows scripture on tithing
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:29 PM
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I preach giving and specifically tithing. I do NOT teach it as a soteriological issue. The way I talk about it is a "trust-ometer." How much do you trust Him? Do you trust Him to provide your needs by keeping 90% of your income? I do not even know who does and who does not tithe in our church. I am NOT the tithe police. I believe people have enough brains to know what is right. If their heart is not in it, no amount of preaching will get it to them.

When people learn to tithe from their heart and with joy, they will continue to do so. When they do it begrudingly because a pastor has put them on a guilt trip or threatened a curse, they probably wont' be there long.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Jodiah91 Jodiah91 is offline
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I don't believe tithes are necessarily salvational, as in I don't think you will go to hell for not paying them. But I do think it is a good practice to live by. You're giving God back some of what He gave you. Who wouldn't be blessed by this? I don't think tithing has to strictly be off money, either. It could be time, clothing, food, whatever.

I know tithing can be a touchy subject for some. But for me, it's pretty basic. I remain faithful to God, He'll be faithful to me.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:31 PM
Jodiah91 Jodiah91 is offline
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Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
I preach giving and specifically tithing. I do NOT teach it as a soteriological issue. The way I talk about it is a "trust-ometer." How much do you trust Him? Do you trust Him to provide your needs by keeping 90% of your income? I do not even know who does and who does not tithe in our church. I am NOT the tithe police. I believe people have enough brains to know what is right. If their heart is not in it, no amount of preaching will get it to them.

When people learn to tithe from their heart and with joy, they will continue to do so. When they do it begrudingly because a pastor has put them on a guilt trip or threatened a curse, they probably wont' be there long.

This says it so much better than my feeble attempt . .Good post!
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:32 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by winklebottom View Post
We have a lot of unemployed stay at home Mom's etc. in our church. I have always felt they should be tithing their time or something. Am I being mean or what?? What say you all? Is "first fruits" and tithing always money??
Well, speaking from past experience...it is the Mom's of the church who do all the work.

You are being a man who thinks that stay at home Mom's don't do anything. I counseled pregnant women for 4 1/2 years and all the men think the same thing until they stay home with the kids for 24 hours without a wife's help.

Men should be working and paying tithes and supporting their wives who take care of their home and their children. Enough said.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:38 PM
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It's ok to use as a guide, but it's not bible to teach tithing today.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:42 PM

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Many posting on here including pastors say its not a salvation issue i BUT come Jan/Feb (income tax) time they will dig in their files and get sermons that preach/each tithing heavy and equate it to Jesus name baptism and infilling of the Holy Ghost as part of salvation requirements.

How many of you ministers would allow someone to hold a posoition if you knew without a doubt they were not tithing??not hardly any I'm sure.

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Old 11-26-2007, 08:45 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Tithing is the North American way to support ministry staff so they don't have to work outside the church. It is not New Testament or Biblical. Even Paul said he did not require financial remuneration from the churches although he might should have allowed them the privilege of giving.

I do believe in supporting your church with tithes and offerings but it is not salvational.

Blessings, Rhoni
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