Originally Posted by CC1
I give Vicki Yohe such a hard time on here for being our resident sterotypical UPCer "gone charismatic" on TBN that when circumstances call for giving her a "warm fuzzy" I want to do it!
Now that the Holiday season is upon us I want to remind those of you who don't yet have Vicki's Christmas CD that you need to get it. It is one of the finest Christmas CD's you will every buy.
The singing is great, the songs inspired, and the tracks are beautifully done. I guarantee it will be a blessing. It is honestly my favorite Christmas CD in many, many years.
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Yes, it is a WONDERFUL addition to your holiday music library!
I agree, and thankx for reminding me that last year I loaned it to my godbrother and he never returned it.
I'm sure it is lost in that 'Bermuda Triangle' known as the Nevitt home...everything you loan him ends up lost or his!!
That is a great CD...Vicki sings
No Room as good, if not better than Sis. W, IMHO...!!