Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Help me out, please?
1. When was the last time you taught a bible study?
2. Are you teaching from the pulpit, or a personal home bible study?
3. What is the topic of the study?
4. Is the study weekly?
5. Is the study "canned", or something of your own making?
Someone just asked me what everyone is using. I thought maybe you would be willing to help me out.
I use a variety of materials.
1. A few months ago (though I also preached at last month's men's breakfast).
2. From a pulpit in a room off the sanctuary (that's where we hold the Wednesday night Bible Study).
3. I don't remember. When I get to my computer at home, I can look up the notes.
4. The Wednesday night Bible Studies often have a different topic each week. Sometimes one of the elders or our new pastor (who was one of the elders) might do a series over the course of a few weeks.
5. We don't use "canned" Bible Studies, we each study things out for ourselves.
This does not, by the way, include the Sunday School class I teach from time to time (third, fourth and fifth graders).