I assume that means you are focused on more important things, and for that I commend you.
To God be the glory, we had 17 receive the Holy Ghost in the last month....with Old Paths as the evangelist!!!
There are things that are important to me regarding ministerial fellowship, but I endeavor to keep the church focused on living for God and winning souls.
Well, I think that in many cases the pastor tries to shield his church as not to upset the balance. I also think that if the garden-variety saint receives a bastardized message that "HEY! the UPC now accepts television", the few who did not own a television would certainly consider it...but maybe not.
I think that if a people are influenced to consider themselves UPC, they hold up the banners and are proud to have that moniker on the front of their church, they need to know and should be interested in what goes on in this "ministerial organization."
It is an interesting concept to think that a pastor could control the amount and content of information that could affect the folks in the church, as though a "what they don't know won't hurt them" mentality and furthermore consider that people are not able to handle the truth or make decisions based on this information.
...but then again, people may not care and that is unfortunate, because it means they are being lead by emotion, to an extent.
If the saints really wanted to know what was going on in the organization they could find out without the pastor. The UPCI itself posted results of the business sessions and any Apostolic can join good ole AFF. There are ways to gather information concerning the org and if the saints don't know it is not necessarily all the pastors fault.
If the saints really wanted to know what was going on in the organization they could find out without the pastor. The UPCI itself posted results of the business sessions and any Apostolic can join good ole AFF. There are ways to gather information concerning the org and if the saints don't know it is not necessarily all the pastors fault.
Or they could read it here
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
The Southern Baptist Convention has had some really nasty bouts in the last 10 years. just about every year their national convention has some kind of contention.
Every year all their dirty laundry gets drug out in the news media. It doesnt seem to hurt them.
However, I really think for the most part a pastor who remains UPCI with no thought of pulling out over this resolution, has no need to say one word to his people about what the vote was. Now if he decides to put an AD on TV, then the subject might come up and a simple "we voted it in" is enough.
by and large, UPCI churches remain autonomus on a certain level....Unless you are in the Texas distrirct and you somehow get crosswise with the DS...
so really, I dont know that a pastor owes much information on what goes on at GC....MOST saints really dont care. many dont even know what GC is.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Isn't there more important things that a pastor should be concerned with, rather than making sure his congregation is informed on what new resolution is passed?
IDK, there is so much going on in a life of a church and its members, perhaps church politics is low on the totem pole with some pastors.
Depends on whether or not, or how much, the pastor preaches organization to the church. Some preachers preach the organization (whichever one it might be) as though it's Gospel. Others never make the first mention of it period.
If you sometimes get the sudden urge to run around naked, drink some Windex.
It will keep you from streaking.