Originally Posted by Old Paths
In the OT the TWO MAJOR things that made Israel God's people was a revelation of One God and Separation.
The same holds true in the NT.
Ya know - if you say something long enough - you might start to believe it. With all due respect - I do not believe one word of this.
They were God's people (OT) because - God chose them! It had NOTHING to do with a REVELATION or SEPARATION! It was because they were chosen by GOD!
In the NT - they were Christians - Apostolic Christians - because they identified with Jesus Christ - were baptized in water as an identification with the risen Christ and the teachings of the Apostles. All JEWS believed in ONE GOD! They did not become Apostolic because of their believe in One God!
They were not Apostolic because of any separation issues or the way they dressed. Where in the book of Acts is DRESS addressed?????????