Originally Posted by crazyhomie
If there is so much truth in UPC, then why are folks so threatened by others who do not believe the same. Truthfully, most married couples don't agree on everything, some republican and democrat, but still live in the same house. Why is it that UPC pastors discourage their saints to fellowship even with others who are more liberal than they are? My brother wants to know.
Because sooner or later you are going to have to admit that the other group is destined for hell and when this happens you will probably lose out on their friendship anyway.
So the pastor in all his wisdom is just saving a lot of trouble, heartache, and wasted time.
Oh also the pulpit is a sacred place and you should never let Trinitarians stand where the "true" word is preached.
Oh yeah and you might actually find out that they really don't believe in three Gods. :sshhh