Originally Posted by Kutless
Pastor P.
What do you suspect they will find in reviewing what others have experienced by advertising via hell box
The results will be mixed.
As with any product offered, the commitment to advertising is key. A small sampling will simply not be adequate to get a real feel for it's potential success or failure.
There will be no real "finding". There will only be opinions as to how it would affect us. Look for a lot of emotional hand-wringing and postulating in the next month or two.
I know this may be hard to fathom, but the intensity of this discussion has not peaked yet. It's about to get gory. This has the potential to be a much bigger organizational split than I would have ever imagined.
By publishing 10 men, five on each side, we are asking for further polarization. This is a disaster in the making. Batten down the hatches, a mammoth storm is on the horizon.