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Old 08-30-2007, 09:12 AM
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JohnMark.. Good Post.. but I think there the lines of what Lost is saying and what you are saying are related along Theological lines but not in Theory... and I could be wrong...
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
Interesting thought... it leans towards motivation.... If a church believed that the only reason they going to invest in another Field was for their own benefit.. I do NOT believe God would bless that church... because their motivation is not right...imo...

One Sows... One Reaps... and God gives the increase....
Building off your suggestion, in another direction.

If a church believes that supporting Missions would not benefit their own church growth, does that explain the weak Missions giving in some areas/regions?

Wouldn't their "carnal" mindset be, Let's use that money we would have given to Missions to instead sow and reap in "our own field"? An "us four and no more" mentality vs an "getting outside our walls" focus.
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:17 AM

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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
It seems to me that if a church did not sincerely believe that they will "reap from other fields" that they would be reluctant to support foreign missions. Or invest in home missions around the country, for that matter.

As their "sowing in other fields" would not benefit reaping in their "own field" (own city).

I am off target? On target?

Any thoughts?
Ah, I see. You are speaking of individual churches being introverted? Kingdom-minded in a selfish sense? I see your point now.

That would be problematic as many of our pastors and churches are building a kingdom unto themselves rather than God.
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by johnmark93 View Post
Ah, I see. You are speaking of individual churches being introverted? Kingdom-minded in a selfish sense? I see your point now.

That would be problematic as many of our pastors and churches are building a kingdom unto themselves rather than God.
I think you just revealed the "sacred cow" of many Pentecostal churches, my dear fellow.

The question we all need to ask: whose kingdom are we building? God's or ours?
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
Building off your suggestion, in another direction.

If a church believes that supporting Missions would not benefit their own church growth, does that explain the weak Missions giving in some areas/regions?

Wouldn't their "carnal" mindset be, Let's use that money we would have given to Missions to instead sow and reap in "our own field"? An "us four and no more" mentality vs an "getting outside our walls" focus.
It's hard to say...To put ourselves in a place of judgement over anyone's giving is really a place I wouldn't want to be...

Motivation is very clear at times...but why pit Souls against Souls and place a greater value on one vs. the other in this conversation?

a Soul is a Soul... all men have sinned and come short... I don't think it's fair to set ourselves up as "above" it all...

There are some who seem to be building their own kingdom... but am I the one who needs to worry about that??.. that's between them and God... if I let it bother me it probaly would... but the world is too big and to many are lost for me to be bothered with it... and WHO am I to judge??? Nobody...

I will concentrate on my field that God has given me and give freely so that others may be blessed in their fields and how God responds or doesn't respond won't affect my faith...
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:45 AM
Lost Lost is offline
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
It's hard to say...To put ourselves in a place of judgement over anyone's giving is really a place I wouldn't want to be...

Motivation is very clear at times...but why pit Souls against Souls and place a greater value on one vs. the other in this conversation?

a Soul is a Soul... all men have sinned and come short... I don't think it's fair to set ourselves up as "above" it all...

There are some who seem to be building their own kingdom... but am I the one who needs to worry about that??.. that's between them and God... if I let it bother me it probaly would... but the world is too big and to many are lost for me to be bothered with it... and WHO am I to judge??? Nobody...

I will concentrate on my field that God has given me and give freely so that others may be blessed in their fields and how God responds or doesn't respond won't affect my faith...
I agree; I would be reluctant to in real-life question a church's giving intentions.

As for "pitting souls against each other"; they are all equally valuable in God's sight.

Good thoughts thus far.
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Old 08-30-2007, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Lost View Post
I agree; I would be reluctant to in real-life question a church's giving intentions.

As for "pitting souls against each other"; they are all equally valuable in God's sight.

Good thoughts thus far.
I am waking up.....
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