When I was in college, one summer I got a job at a Christian Greeting card factory, a coveted place of employment in our area.
It was an ironclad rule that NO ONE got the day shift their first summer working there. That was reserved for the returning students.
Well, after about three weeks of working there, the supervisor called me in one evening and told me to show up for the day shift starting the next week.
I was falbbergasted, as was everyone else. That just didn't happen there.
It was years before I found out how I got promoted to day shift.
You see, I was and had always been an early riser.
I had to drive about thirty minutes through the twisting turning Ozark roads in the wee hours after working a long shift, and I was having a little trouble staying awake.
Unbeknownst to me, my precious old Granny called the factory and asked to talk to the president of the company.
She persisted until they finally put her on the phone with him.
She explained to him that she was John Carroll's Granny, and that he was one of the best and hardest workers at his factory.
She went on to explain how I was a country boy used to getting up with the chickens, and that I should be put on days.
I guess it must have amused the guy that she would be so bold and persistent, because he sent a memo out to the plant that I was to be put on days...
It was a mystery to me for years how I got that shift change until she finally told me.
Was that fair?
Did it work?
Y'all leave Newman alone.