How about a time of corporate and severe fasting and prayer to determine what traditions have been moved into the realm of the sovereign and salvational.
That's asking a lot, Chewy!
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
I was listening to Kenneth Phillips preach at the AWCF Conference, and he mentioned that it was time to re-package the Apostolic message.
Yeah dress it in blue and white and plant a Magen David right in the center.
Blowing a shofar and calling the Holy Ghost the SHEkinah.
Apostolic Church is doing a great job. Pastor Kenneth Phillips may need to repackage what he's doing? Maybe he will get fitted for a kipa.
Originally Posted by Pianoman
I know that manufacturers of products upgrade their product packaging to reflect the current tastes and customs. For instance, Betty Crocker was changed from the 40's and 50's look into a more modern looking women.
Was she made to wear spike heels and goth make-up?
Originally Posted by Pianoman
As new ways to package items are invented, successful companies will try to upgrade their packaging. Colas and Ketchup used to always be packaged in glass bottles, but now they mostly use plastic packaging.
Plastic Pentecost? Sorry all ready been done. Just look at Benny Hinn, Joel Olsteen, Paula White and who is her husband?
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
To me, re-packaging means finding ways to make the Apostolic message more attractive to the newer generations. This could relate to music, audio-visual, and the use of new technology to promote the message.
Lets see, the initial package included...............
healing the sick of diverse diseases
casting out devils and freeing folks from their bondages
performing miracles, signs, and wonders
preaching brought conviction to the sinner
I am not sure that I see much of the above in the church anymore, so maybe we need to just get back to the original package. Coke lost millions when they tried their "New Coke" deal. The original worked, and still works. To many have just substituted the original for another package (program).
But what do I know, I am just one of the "gimme that old time religion that was good enough for Grampa and its good enough for me..." crowd.
Change is ALWAYS resisted at first. I know some folks that will not drink a soda unless it is in a glass bottle. The reason....they have always drank out of a glass bottle and like it that way!
KP has always been a prophetic visionary. He heart beats for more souls to recieve the Apostolic message. Those with a vision for future church evangelism tend to agree with him!
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
Lets see, the initial package included...............
healing the sick of diverse diseases
casting out devils and freeing folks from their bondages
performing miracles, signs, and wonders
preaching brought conviction to the sinner
I am not sure that I see much of the above in the church anymore, so maybe we need to just get back to the original package. Coke lost millions when they tried their "New Coke" deal. The original worked, and still works. To many have just substituted the original for another package (program).
But what do I know, I am just one of the "gimme that old time religion that was good enough for Grampa and its good enough for me..." crowd.
What you are talking about is the product itself. We don't need to change the product. We need to change the packaging of the product!
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
People don't buy the Product for the package, but for what is within it. If the product, which is the life of Jesus Christ, does not draw them, then the package that does will only allow for a superficial relationship, and as soon as a "better package" comes along, it will be "Sweet Sweet Sweetie Goodbye".
Why? Make it more attractive, are you kidding? What could be more attractive than eternal bliss in Heaven? Especially considering the alternative! If you guys really believe what you say, why not just lay it out for folks, and let them decide between Heaven and Hell? Let the Holy Spirit convict them (or not), and they will see the Real Truth (or not), won't they?
What does the "attractiveness" have to do with anything?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
People don't buy the Product for the package, but for what is within it. If the product, which is the life of Jesus Christ, does not draw them, then the package that does will only allow for a superficial relationship, and as soon as a "better package" comes along, it will be "Sweet Sweet Sweetie Goodbye".
You are correct...sort of!
You can have the best product, but if the packaging is not attractive, you won't find new comsumers like you would if it had good packaging!
Packaging is all about expanding the consumer base! Current customers already know the product is good!
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
Why? Make it more attractive, are you kidding? What could be more attractive than eternal bliss in Heaven? Especially considering the alternative! If you guys really believe what you say, why not just lay it out for folks, and let them decide between Heaven and Hell? Let the Holy Spirit convict them (or not), and they will see the Real Truth (or not), won't they?
What does the "attractiveness" have to do with anything?
Attractive packaging gets the attention of potential consumers. If you're happy with the current level of evangelizism, don't change anything. If you want to expand and grow, make changes that will attact new people.
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
Lets see, the initial package included...............
healing the sick of diverse diseases
casting out devils and freeing folks from their bondages
performing miracles, signs, and wonders
preaching brought conviction to the sinner
I am not sure that I see much of the above in the church anymore, so maybe we need to just get back to the original package. Coke lost millions when they tried their "New Coke" deal. The original worked, and still works. To many have just substituted the original for another package (program).
But what do I know, I am just one of the "gimme that old time religion that was good enough for Grampa and its good enough for me..." crowd.
If the product itself is not enough, then we are in big trouble.
The problem as I see it is that there are too many false advertisers out there. Show me any church that resonates with the glory and power of God, and I will show you a church that is growing on a normal basis.
It is not OUR package that is supposed to draw them, but HIS Spirit, anyway.